Tag: writing

Bullet Journal Productivity

My Bullet Journal

I like to get organized. I like the feel of having a neat calendar or agenda where I can keep track of everything, or even a journal for that matter, or a task or to do list. I love scratching off items from a to do list. The only problem? I can get organized…for a […]

Monday Musings Writing

Monday Musings #47

Monday Musings is a post in which I talk about my writing goals for the upcoming week, and the progress I made on my goals for the past week. Goals for last week (January 7 – January 14): Write an essay. Write a short story for the week. Write five more reviews for I Heart […]

Monday Musings Writing

Monday Musings #46

Monday Musings is a post in which I talk about my writing goals for the upcoming week, and the progress I made on my goals for the past week. Goals for last week (January 1 – January 7): Finish edits of The Sign of the Serpent (chapter-by-chapter edits). Write a short story for the week. […]

Monthly Goals Productivity

Monthly Goals January 2019

I think I’m cursed that whenever I set myself some goals, I tend to stick to it for like a month… And then I fail utterly. Same as with this series of blog posts, each year I start again with good intentions… And then I fail utterly. But I keep on trying, and maybe, just […]


Yearly Goals 2019

Rather than refer to these as “New Year’s Resolutions”, as I did for the previous years (check here my goals for 2016, 2017 and 2018) this year I’m going to refer to these as my yearly goals for the year. So rather than my writing resolutions for next year, here is my list of goals […]

Monster House Books The Adventures of Marisol Holmes The Adventures of Marisol Holmes Writing Young Adult Novels

Win a charm bracelet to celebrate the cover reveal of The Sign Of The Serpent!

On May 15, we’re celebrating the cover reveal for the second book in The Adventures of Marisol Holmes series, The Sign of The Serpent. If you’re a blogger and want to participate in the reveal, please sign up here. To celebrate the cover reveal, you can now win this amazing Nancy Drew detective bracelet! There […]

Monthly Goals Productivity

Monthly Goals May 2018

Time for some new monthly goals! I didn’t do very well on my goals during the last few months, but I’m determined to make more progress this month. Anyway, here’s a rundown of my goals for May. Write two blog posts on my blog per week. Total: 0/8. Rewrite / Revise Allegro Academy #1, the […]

Monthly Goals Productivity

Monthly Goals April 2018

So, I have a confession to make. I haven’t been doing that well on my monthly goals each month. I know, I know, I’m sorry! But, I have been making some progress at least, and some is better than none… right? Here’s a rundown of my goals for April: Write two blog posts on my […]

The Adventures of Marisol Holmes The Adventures of Marisol Holmes Writing Young Adult Novels

Jaguar Keychain Raffle to Celebrate Release Free Sampler A Study in Shifters

Oh my God! I have some amazing news. The free sampler for A Study in Shifters, the first book in The Adventures of Marisol Holmes Series, releases  today, and we’re celebrating the upcoming release of the sampler with an epic raffle for a jaguar key chain! Doesn’t it look awesome? If you want to preorder […]

book cover mockup for Majanka Verstraete

First episode for free!

All Hallows Academy is one of the most prestigious universities in the world for witches and wizards. Being accepted into All Hallows is an honor Lavinia Bloodbane and her best friend Jensen have been dreaming of for years.

But when something from beyond the veil reaches out to her on the First Day of Halloween, an annual tradition at All Hallows, fitting in at the academy will be the least of her concerns…

Read the first episode of ALL HALLOWS ACADEMY - SEASON ONE for free!