Monthly Goals February 2019

I didn’t do too bad on my January goals, so I’m keeping up the process and decided to set some goals for myself this February. I had intended to post this yesterday, but as usual, life got in the way…So I hope I do better this month! Here are my February goals: Proofread The Sign of The Serpent prior to […]

Monday Musings #47

Monday Musings is a post in which I talk about my writing goals for the upcoming week, and the progress I made on my goals for the past week. Goals for last week (January 7 – January 14): Write an essay. Write a short story for the week. Write five more reviews for I Heart Reading (total: 0/5). Make up […]

Monday Musings #46

Monday Musings is a post in which I talk about my writing goals for the upcoming week, and the progress I made on my goals for the past week. Goals for last week (January 1 – January 7): Finish edits of The Sign of the Serpent (chapter-by-chapter edits). Write a short story for the week. Write two blog posts for […]

Monthly Goals January 2019

I think I’m cursed that whenever I set myself some goals, I tend to stick to it for like a month… And then I fail utterly. Same as with this series of blog posts, each year I start again with good intentions… And then I fail utterly. But I keep on trying, and maybe, just maybe, 2019 will be the […]