Tag: new year’s resolutions


New Year’s Resolutions 2022

2021 seems to have disappeared in the blink of an eye. Or maybe even faster. One moment I was typing up my post with resolutions for 2021, and the next, I’m here, one year later. Talking about those resolutions of last year… Let’s just forget about them, ‘mkay? Since I was notoriously bad at keeping […]


New Year’s Resolutions 2021

How is it possible that it’s already 2021? Yesterday, it was March 2020 and the COVID-lockdown had just begun in Belgium… and now suddenly, the year has passed and a new year comes knocking on the door. I sincerely hope that 2021 will be a better year than the last year. That everyone’s family and […]

Productivity Writing

New Year’s Resolutions 2020

I know I’m a bit late with these (it’s already January 5, I can barely believe it!) but I still wanted to share my goals for the new year with you. I’m excited for 2020. It will (hopefully) be the year when we move to a bigger house, and I’m very excited about that. In […]


Yearly Goals 2019

Rather than refer to these as “New Year’s Resolutions”, as I did for the previous years (check here my goals for 2016, 2017 and 2018) this year I’m going to refer to these as my yearly goals for the year. So rather than my writing resolutions for next year, here is my list of goals […]


New Year’s Resolutions 2018

2017 was a rollercoaster year for me, with a lot of ups and downs, but luckily, mostly ups. Some major changes happened in my life, not all of them writing-related, but it’s worth summing them up anyway. My boyfriend and I bought a piece of land, and next year we’re going to start building our […]


New Year’s Resolutions 2017

It seems like yesterday since 2016 knocked on the door, and now it’s already 2017. 2016 was, in all fairness, a sucky year. Worldwide, everyone seemed to think that and in my personal life, I especially considered it that way. So here’s to 2017. I hope it’s better than last year. Last year, I set […]

Productivity Updates Writing

New Year’s Resolutions 2016

Happy New Year everyone! I hope 2016 brings you good health, a lot of happiness, great friends, fun family moments and memories that you’ll cherish forever. 🙂 As is typical with the New Year, I’ve come up with some resolutions and goals for 2016. I’m not always great at keepin up with my goals, but […]


Writing Goals for 2014

It’s that time of the year again. The time when everyone makes New Year’s Resolutions. Some doable, some absolutely impossible. Because I like to torment myself, I wanted to come up with some writing goals for 2014 as well. I don’t like to call them resolutions – goals sound more definite, like something you have […]

book cover mockup for Majanka Verstraete

First episode for free!

All Hallows Academy is one of the most prestigious universities in the world for witches and wizards. Being accepted into All Hallows is an honor Lavinia Bloodbane and her best friend Jensen have been dreaming of for years.

But when something from beyond the veil reaches out to her on the First Day of Halloween, an annual tradition at All Hallows, fitting in at the academy will be the least of her concerns…

Read the first episode of ALL HALLOWS ACADEMY - SEASON ONE for free!