Tag: monday musings

Monday Musings Writing

Monday Musings #43

Just like it’s been ages since I’ve done a Monthly Goals post (which I’ve just remedied by posting a new one here) it’s also been eons since I’ve done a Monday Musings post. Well, time to remedy that. Monday Musings is a post in which I talk about my writing goals for the upcoming week, […]

Monday Musings Writing

Monday Musings #42

Monday Musings is a post in which I talk about my writing goals for the upcoming week, and the progress I made on my goals for the past week. Here are my goals for last week. Goals I accomplished are scratched through. Write one short story for #AShortStoryAWeek. Finish beat sheet for WIP2. Set up […]

Monday Musings Writing

Monday Musings #41

Monday Musings is a post in which I talk about my writing goals for the upcoming week, and the progress I made on my goals for the past week. I don’t have a list of goals for last week because I’ve been a bad author and haven’t been able to keep up with Monday Musings. […]

Monday Musings Writing

Monday Musings #40

Monday Musings is a post in which I talk about my writing goals for the upcoming week, and the progress I made on my goals for the past week. Here’s my list of goals for last week. The goals scratched through are the ones I accomplished. Write one short story for #AShortStoryAWeek. Edit short story […]

Monday Musings Productivity Writing

Monday Musings #39

Monday Musings is a post in which I talk about my writing goals for the upcoming week, and the progress I made on my goals for the past week. During last week’s Monday Musings post, I posted a rather long list of goals I had for this week. The goals scratched through are the ones […]

Monday Musings

Monday Musings #38

The last time I did a Monday Musings post was back in March. Yes, MARCH. But anyway, I’m back, and ready to get this party started. In an ideal world, I’ll do this type of post every Monday (or almost every Monday) for the next year. Will I succeed? God knows, but I’ll try. Monday […]

Monday Musings

Monday Musings #37

I’ve been a bad blogger. I know, I know. I haven’t updated my blog regulary and as such, avoided my bloggery duties. But I’m back with an update. I finished Ghostslayer. Remember Ghostslayer, my perpetual WIP that I’ve been working on for two years? It is done. Finished. THE END. (Let’s not talk about how […]

Monday Musings

Monday Musings #36

I haven’t been doing well keeping up with my goals this month. I had a holiday last week, and instead of getting productive, I was lazy and didn’t do all the writing-related things I had planned. I did manage to visit family and friends that I hadn’t seen in a while, so I did do […]

Monday Musings

Monday Musings #35

Last month, I set myself some pretty steep goals, such as writing a novel (first draft) in a month, finishing up my proofreading projects, starting out on a weekly newsletter for on my book review blog,  blogging three times a week on here, writing 4 short stories, and then working on a first draft of […]

Monday Musings

Monday Musings #34

I did it! I finished my manuscript! I’m so HAPPY. One of my goals this year was to write a book a month (first draft, of course). Well, it’s January 25 and I’ve just finished my manuscript! With one week to spare. Pop the champagne, everyone. 🙂 Also, here’s another look at last week’s goals, […]

book cover mockup for Majanka Verstraete

First episode for free!

All Hallows Academy is one of the most prestigious universities in the world for witches and wizards. Being accepted into All Hallows is an honor Lavinia Bloodbane and her best friend Jensen have been dreaming of for years.

But when something from beyond the veil reaches out to her on the First Day of Halloween, an annual tradition at All Hallows, fitting in at the academy will be the least of her concerns…

Read the first episode of ALL HALLOWS ACADEMY - SEASON ONE for free!