Camp NaNoWriMo Updates

I’ve just reached 40,265 words on my Camp NaNo manuscript, Reflected (Mirrorland #2), which basically means…I’m nearly there. This story turned out nothing at all like I first expected though. For starters, it’s told from three different viewpoints. That means that each of the characters has about 15k-20k screen time by the time the book is finished (which I estimate […]

Camp NaNoWriMo June #1: Marathon to 10k words.

I challenged myself yesterday to reach 10k words on the first day of Camp NaNoWriMo. Guess what? I succeeded. The first 10k words is done, and I feel happy, releived, pleased and a lot more. I hope to reach 15k today, but that would probably be wishful thinking. At this pace, I’ll definitely reach my goal of finishing the entire […]

Monthly Goals: June 2012

Hey, everyone! Can you believe it’s June already? Time really does fly! I don’t know about you, but I’m participating in Camp NaNoWriMo and I invite you to participate as well. It’ll be fun. This is my first time camping (to be honest, I’ve never gone camping in real life either) and I’m uber-excited. If you’re participating in Camp NaNoWriMo, […]