Tag: crafting


Crafting: Winter House

Time Required: 2h if you colour the parts, about 30min if you only assemble the parts Difficulty: Easy Review of kit: 4 out of 5 stars I’ve always been fond of these winter-themed houses. Some people have so many houses, you could just call it a street. I decided to start with one and to […]

book cover mockup for Majanka Verstraete

First episode for free!

All Hallows Academy is one of the most prestigious universities in the world for witches and wizards. Being accepted into All Hallows is an honor Lavinia Bloodbane and her best friend Jensen have been dreaming of for years.

But when something from beyond the veil reaches out to her on the First Day of Halloween, an annual tradition at All Hallows, fitting in at the academy will be the least of her concerns…

Read the first episode of ALL HALLOWS ACADEMY - SEASON ONE for free!