Snoebels, Cat Detective

Inspired by a real life cat, Snoebels, Cat Detective follows the misadventures of a cat turned detective. The main character, Snoebels, is a real cat (my cat) and she’s the cutest animal ever, which is why she deserves to play the main part in this new and exciting series.

Snoebels, Cat Detective is a series of stand-alone mystery books for kids. These books are ideal for younger readers or reluctant / struggling readers.

Piggy Bank Plunder (Snoebels, Cat Detective #1)

Snoebels’ plans for the day included napping, climbing on the book case and scratching the couch – not solving crime.

But when her friend Piglet’s money goes missing, the little piggy asks Snoebels for help…

And can a Cat Detective deny a friend in need?

Release Date: February 28, 2017

Format: eBook and Paperback