Category: Monthly Goals

Monthly Goals Productivity

Monthly Goals September

Each month, I write down my monthly goals and try to meet them. Although it doesn’t always work to keep up with all my goals, I have a feeling it might work this time. Fingers crossed! I have a ton of goals this month, so I broke them down into categories. Kids books Organize cover […]

Monthly Goals Productivity

Updates on August Goals

I’ve been very quiet this month, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t made some progress when it comes to writing. At the start of the month, I set several goals. My goals and progress are below. Finish editing Demonic Pact (Angel of Death Series #2). Currently: chapter 11/43. Update: Finished and submitted to publisher. Write […]

Monthly Goals Productivity

Monthly Goals August

In an effort to keep track of my monthly goals, I’m writing them down on the first of every month. Here are my goals for August. Finish editing Demonic Pact (Angel of Death Series #2). Currently: chapter 11/41. Write short story for The Animal horror anthology. Write short story for Girls Rock Harder eZine (horror/dark […]

Monthly Goals Productivity

Monthly Goals for July

Each month, I write down my writing goals and then at the end of the month, I take a look at my progress. If you want to see my prgress for last month, check out this post. Here are this month’s goals. Finish first draft of Ghostslayer (current word count: 56k/65k words). Edit Demonic Pact […]

Monthly Goals Productivity

Progress Updates for June

At the start of June, I set up a list of goals. Overall, June was a productive month and I reached quite a few of my goals, and made progress on others. Finish first draft of Demonic Pact (current word count: 40k/65-70k words). Work on my horror short, which I just got back from the […]

Monthly Goals

Monthly Goals August 2014

Each month, I write down my writing-related goals and track my progress. I skipped June and July (bad, bad author!) but now I’m back in the game. Write more content on the blog. I neglected my blog for the last two months, mostly because I was too busy studying, writing, catching up on deadlines, and […]

Monthly Goals

Monthly Goals April 2014

Each month, I write down my writing-related goals and track my progress. I didn’t reach most of last month’s goals, but I’ll strive to do better this month. Here are my goals for April 2014: Participate in the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge. Finish my CampNaNo project for this month’s camp. For this […]

Monthly Goals Updates Writing

Monthly Goals and Absence

As you may have noticed, I haven’t blogged much as of late. The reason was mostly lack of time. Uni exams were crazy this year, so I had no time to schedule posts beforehand. Usually I manage to schedule a few posts beforehand, so I don’t have to do anything last minute, but so far, […]

Monthly Goals

Monthly Goals January 2014

Each month, I write down my writing-related goals and track my progress. I’m starting anew in 2014, and my main goal this year is to make more sensible goals. Hah, we’ll see how that goes! Here are my goals for January 2014. Blog every day of the week for the entire month,  except for Sunday […]

book cover mockup for Majanka Verstraete

First episode for free!

All Hallows Academy is one of the most prestigious universities in the world for witches and wizards. Being accepted into All Hallows is an honor Lavinia Bloodbane and her best friend Jensen have been dreaming of for years.

But when something from beyond the veil reaches out to her on the First Day of Halloween, an annual tradition at All Hallows, fitting in at the academy will be the least of her concerns…

Read the first episode of ALL HALLOWS ACADEMY - SEASON ONE for free!