NaNoWriMo Week 5 – The End

It’s the end! After five long weeks, thirty long days, we’ve finally reached the end of NaNoWriMo. And guess what? Even if you reached your word count goal or not, you can still consider yourself a winner because, no matter how many words you wrote down, you wrote down something. You made some progress, and that alone is worth being […]

NaNoWriMo Week 4 – Nearly At The Finish Line

We’re in week four of NaNoWriMo, and that finish line is creeping closer as we speak. But… Will we make it? Here are some tips and tricks to survive the fourth week of NaNoWriMo. If you’re ahead, keep going If you’re ahead of your targeted word count, congratulations! Now, keep going. No dilly-dallying, no focusing on other stuff, keep on […]

NaNoWriMo Week 3 – What If You’re Stuck?

It’s NaNoWriMo Week 3 and chances are high that you’re either still going strong, typing up those words, adding those subplots and racing toward the end… or you’re stuck. Utterly and completely stuck. Well, no worries, I’m here to help. Here are some tips and tricks that I’ve used myself every time I felt like I got stuck in a […]

NaNoWriMo Week 1 – Tips and Tricks

It’s NaNoWriMo! As usually, I’m participating in this event. I’ve been participating for the last five years and although I didn’t always win, I usually do. This year will be extra tough, though, since I’m also starting a new job in November. So, finishing that novel in one month will be extremely difficult, but I like a challenge, so I’m […]

It’s November already?

October really flew by. I miss October. It’s one of my favorite months, with summer making room for autumn, the leaves changing color, wind picking up, Halloween just around the corner. We’re not that big on Halloween here in Europe, but heck, I’ll take any excuse to watch a good horror movie. The truth is, October passed by so fast […]

I won NaNoWriMo (with a few days to spare)

I was going to wait to blog about this until Monday, but what the heck. Last night, at around midnight, I won NaNoWriMo. It feels awesome. The story I’ve been working on this month has been begging me to write it down for months, and now I’m finally (almost) there. The 50k mark is behind me, which usually is a […]

Monday Musings #22

Each Monday, I recap the writing-related events of the last week and talk about them on my blog. Editing. Edits are finished for “House of Horrors”. I’m still waiting on the edits for “Fright Train”, but I’m glad I didn’t have to rush through all of them in one week! Formatting. Formatting is done for eBook and print versions of […]

Monday Musings #21

Each Monday, I recap the writing-related events of the last week and talk about them on my blog. NaNoWriMo. I’m at 26k in my NaNoWriMo manuscript. The goal is to reach 30k today, and 45k by the end of the week. I want to go beyond the 50k minimum limit, and write a full novel. It’s YA paranormal romance, and […]