
Crafting: Ceramic Christmas Figure – Penguin

Time Required: 1h-1h30
Difficulty: Easy
Review of kit: 4 out of 5 stars

Last time, I showed you a ceramic figure of Santa Claus that I painted. I bought three figures in this set: Santa Claus, a reindeer, and a penguin. After finishing Santa Claus, I decided to give the reindeer a shot, and I have to say, I enjoyed painting the penguin a lot more than I did Santa Claus, mainly because I didn’t have to do any colour mixing myself. Well, I did mix white and red to make pink for the cheeks, but I didn’t need much, so it was easy to do.

I decided to use the same colours as displayed on the kit, since I rather liked the colours.

Similarly to the other kit, this kit included paint in the primary colours and black and white, a ceramic figure and a paint brush. Basically, everything you need to get started.

I decided to start by painting the biggest part of the penguin black. I usually give two layers of paint, but the black only needed one layer. That was a good thing, since I nearly ran out of black paint.

After working with black, I decided to paint the hat next. The hat received two layers of paint.

Next, I worked on the gift the penguin is holding. It wasn’t that easy to paint this, and I noticed that in the picture, it looks rather sloppy. In real life, it doesn’t look that bad especially since you don’t usually zoom in on it.

And here is the finished picture! I re-did part of the eyes and added pink on the cheeks.

I really like how this penguin turned out, especially when it’s standing next to my other Christmas decoration. Next time, I’ll give the reindeer a shot. If you want to get started with one of these figures, I do recommend the penguin though, since you don’t have to mix any colours for this one.

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