Crafting – Miniature: Sweet Lullaby
Time Required: About 5 hours
Difficulty: Medium
Review of kit: 4 out of 5 stars
I thought this miniature in a box was just too cute when I saw it in the shop, so I couldn’t stop myself and had to purchase it.
Opening the kit, there was actually quite a lot inside, including an instruction manual, the wooden pieces to make the furniture, a LED light, fabrics and other accessories, and the box to build the little room in.
Luckily, the instructions were also rather straightforward. I have made a few of these houses in the past (first one in this kind of tin box, though), and I have to say I’m always rather happy with the manuals made by Crafts&Co. They’re easy to follow and give clear instructions.
This cupboard was the first item I had to craft, as per the manual. I like how it turned out. Looks rather cute!
I first had to finish all the furniture before I could get started on decorating the interior of the tin box that is acting as “room”. Here is a close-up of the cupboard, the dressing table and chair. The dressing table was the hardest to make, because it had to balance on four feet that were not straight, and finding the right angle was quite difficult.
The bed was fun to craft, except for the pillows…I’m pretty sure I messed up with the instructions, but at least they still came up looking rather pillow-y.
Once I finished all the furniture, I could start decorating the box. I do recommend using proper glue for this one; it’s essential, especially because the paper doesn’t stick to the tin very well. I struggled a bit to install the light fixture, but with some help of my fiancé, I eventually managed it.
Tada! And here is the finished result. I’m happy with how this turned out, and it received a nice spot in a glass closet in my dining room.
If you’re used to building miniatures, then this one should be easy enough, and it doesn’t take that long in comparison to some of the bigger DIY miniature kits. And if you’re new to crafting miniature houses, then this is a great way to start.