Monthly Goals March
Time flies. Literally, sometimes. I have no idea what happens to January or February, but the months were quite productive. I finished a lot a few short stories, submitted three novellas (wow!), submitted the first part of my dragon book, edited The Wolf of the Baskervilles, and probably did a lot more that I’m forgetting now.
I also remembered that I forgot to write a monthly goals post last month. Oops.
So, I’m making it up to you now by sharing my goals for March (and here’s hoping I reach all or most of them… But I already completed some!)
- Rewrite first 10-15k words of my dystopian / apocalyptic novel, Gods of Vengeance and Blood.
- Finish the third novella in The Mark of the Red God series, and submit it for the anthology Forbidden Magic.
- Edit story for the Mythica anthology (fantastic creatures) that I’m participating in.
- Go through final edits for The Wolf of the Baskervilles, the third book in The Adventures of Marisol Holmes series.
- Release week for The Wolf of the Baskervilles, work on guest posts, contact bloggers, social media, and so on.
- Prepare for release of Hidden Magic, the first anthology in a series of three anthologies. We have almost 400 pre-orders for this box set!
- Submit Ghost Slayer for the free reads box set for Fire Quill Publishing.
- Write and submit story to the short story collection for Harvest.
- Write 10-15k words for the steampunk anthology I’m also participating in.
- Edit Gods of Vengeance and Blood.
- Go through edits for Forbidden Magic.
- Edit story for the steampunk anthology.
- Finish writing my story for A Princess for a Day anthology.
- Edit story for A Princess for a Day anthology and submit it.
- Write and submit story for Drowning Lands charity anthology I was invited to submit to.
- Finish story Long May She Reign for the fae anthology I’m participating in.
- Edit Long May She Reign and submit it to the fae anthology.
- Set up A Monstrous Beauty for pre-order (two months from next book for pre-order).
- Ask font designer to work on font for cover A Monstrous Beauty.
- Finish work with cover design on the cover for The Soul Thief (re-release).
- Rewrite second part of Symphony of the Departed, the first book in the Allegro Academy series.
- Set-up for pre-order Symphony of the Departed.
- Publish monthly newsletter.
- Check out marketing course I found, and see if this can be implemented for release of upcoming books.
Phew, a lot of goals again! What are your goals for this month?