Monthly Goals Writing

Monthly Goals March

Time flies. Literally, sometimes. I have no idea what happens to January or February, but the months were quite productive. I finished a lot a few short stories, submitted three novellas (wow!), submitted the first part of my dragon book, edited The Wolf of the Baskervilles, and probably did a lot more that I’m forgetting now.

I also remembered that I forgot to write a monthly goals post last month. Oops.

So, I’m making it up to you now by sharing my goals for March (and here’s hoping I reach all or most of them… But I already completed some!)

  • Rewrite first 10-15k words of my dystopian / apocalyptic novel, Gods of Vengeance and Blood.
  • Finish the third novella in The Mark of the Red God series, and submit it for the anthology Forbidden Magic.
  • Edit story for the Mythica anthology (fantastic creatures) that I’m participating in.
  • Go through final edits for The Wolf of the Baskervilles, the third book in The Adventures of Marisol Holmes series.
  • Release week for The Wolf of the Baskervilles, work on guest posts, contact bloggers, social media, and so on.
  • Prepare for release of Hidden Magic, the first anthology in a series of three anthologies. We have almost 400 pre-orders for this box set!
  • Submit Ghost Slayer for the free reads box set for Fire Quill Publishing.
  • Write and submit story to the short story collection for Harvest.
  • Write 10-15k words for the steampunk anthology I’m also participating in.
  • Edit Gods of Vengeance and Blood.
  • Go through edits for Forbidden Magic.
  • Edit story for the steampunk anthology.
  • Finish writing my story for A Princess for a Day anthology.
  • Edit story for A Princess for a Day anthology and submit it.
  • Write and submit story for Drowning Lands charity anthology I was invited to submit to.
  • Finish story Long May She Reign for the fae anthology I’m participating in.
  • Edit Long May She Reign and submit it to the fae anthology.
  • Set up A Monstrous Beauty for pre-order (two months from next book for pre-order).
  • Ask font designer to work on font for cover A Monstrous Beauty.
  • Finish work with cover design on the cover for The Soul Thief (re-release).
  • Rewrite second part of Symphony of the Departed, the first book in the Allegro Academy series.
  • Set-up for pre-order Symphony of the Departed.
  • Publish monthly newsletter.
  • Check out marketing course I found, and see if this can be implemented for release of upcoming books.

Phew, a lot of goals again! What are your goals for this month?

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book cover mockup for Majanka Verstraete

First episode for free!

All Hallows Academy is one of the most prestigious universities in the world for witches and wizards. Being accepted into All Hallows is an honor Lavinia Bloodbane and her best friend Jensen have been dreaming of for years.

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