Monthly Goals Productivity

Monthly Goals February 2017

It’s that time of the month again! Here are my goals for the month of February.

  • Write a short story a week. I kept up with this during January, so now I want to continue writing a short story a week during February.
  • Send out my monthly newsletter. This will go out on February 6, 2017.
  • Finish first draft of this month’s work in progress, #FebruaryWIP.
  • Write two blog posts on my blog per week.
  • Write first five episodes for The Chronicles of Blood and schedule them to go out once a week.
  • Write and edit Snoebels, Cat Detective.
  • Set up a cover reveal, release blitz and blog tour for Snoebels, Cat Detective.
  • Format Snoebels, Cat Detective and the paperback for Sally Sleuth and The Missing Mice.
  • Publish Snoebels, Cat Detective.
  • Set up blog tour for Sally Sleuth and The Missing Mice.
  • Rewrite / edit Allegro Academy #1.
  • Write novella for anthology.
  • Finish writing #JanuaryWIP.

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book cover mockup for Majanka Verstraete

First episode for free!

All Hallows Academy is one of the most prestigious universities in the world for witches and wizards. Being accepted into All Hallows is an honor Lavinia Bloodbane and her best friend Jensen have been dreaming of for years.

But when something from beyond the veil reaches out to her on the First Day of Halloween, an annual tradition at All Hallows, fitting in at the academy will be the least of her concerns…

Read the first episode of ALL HALLOWS ACADEMY - SEASON ONE for free!