Author Interviews Virtual Book Tours

Author Intervew Emerge Beyond Circles

When did you know you wanted to be an author? 

I didn’t. I still don’t know. I do know I had a story that needed telling so I told it. The idea of love is central to my life, as it is for most of us. So I wrote a compelling love story.


What inspired you to write Emerge Beyond Circles?

The nugget of an idea that eventually became Emerge Beyond Circles came to me in a dream. In addition, I am an avid watcher of people. How people live and what they are forced to cope with in life inspires me to write about the power of love.


What do you find the most challenging about being an author?

I am challenged most by my own high standards. I love reading quality writing and I am driven to produce writing that moves people to action. The process and complexity of writing a novel is difficult but doable, it is striving for excellence that is a heavy burden.


What is your editing process like? 

I am a very systematic editor. I produce seemingly endless checklists. The cycle of editing and revising looked like this for Emerge Beyond Cirlces; print the entire book and go through it with a red pen in hand, then go back into the electronic version and make the changes, then print the book again and begin the cycle again. I printed Emerge Beyond Cirlces at least 30 times this way.


Did you set any writing goals for 2017?

I want to complete the sequel to Emerge Beyond Circles. I am also planning to release an inspirational adult picture book titled Valise. I am also a regular contributing columnist on Elephant Journal, an online indie magazine. I plan to continue work with them.


Are you working on something now?

I have begun putting the words down in the sequel to Emerge Beyond Circles. 

About the Book

_cropped-final-emergebeyond-paperback-page-001Title: Emerge Beyond Circles

Author: John Geers

Genre: Fantasy

Thuban-Pol is the latest in a lineage of Siberian witches. Their eternal aim is to guide humanity to true love. Their guiding tenet, “For love to bloom, these three endure: sacrifice, perseverance and suffering. But the greatest of these is suffering.” Since the dawn of humanity, they have summoned countless couples, inflicting suffering with the intention to grow true love. They have never succeeded…but now they have their best opportunity in two couples from Wisconsin.


Author Bio

John Geers drew inspiration to begin his debut novel from a dream he experienced.

 Hours spent in the caffeinated air of his favorite coffeehouse proved to be the perfect place to complete Emerge Beyond Circles.

John is a middle school literacy educator, where he inspires and is inspired by the writers of tomorrow. He is the founder and facilitator of his school’s Creative Writing Club. He is also a columnist for the online magazine Elephant Journal.

He loves a good story, being on the water, and witty puns. He can be found hiking the wilderness, biking big hills, sipping dark coffee, and looking for a chair in the mall.


Writer Webpage




Thuban-Pol Facebook


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