Author Interviews Virtual Book Tours

Author Interview with Heidi Siefkas

Today I’m interviewing Heidi Siefkas, author of “Cubicle to Cuba”. Welcome, Heidi, and thank you for answering my questions.

Author Interview

1) Do you think you’ve changed as an author in between writing your first book and your latest book?
​Absolutely. I’ve gotten better as a writer. The core style of short vignettes and an authentic voice have remained the same., but it takes me less work to finesse it for publishing. There’s something to be said about, “Third time’s the charm.”

2) If you could start your career as an author again, is there anything you would change?

​Although my journey as an author has not been easy, I wouldn’t change a thing. The bumps in the road and even seemingly unsurmontable challenges have made many great stories that have been included in my books as well as made me stronger, bolder, better version of myself.

3) What is your best memory from traveling to Cuba?

I have been traveling there for the last five years; so, I have many stories. However, if I must only pick one. I must say it was having a surprise birthday party in Cienfuegos, Cuba. About a week after my actual birthday, my Cuban friends (mi familia) threw me a party on a terrace overlooking the bay. In true Cuban style, the birthday cake wasn’t washed down with milk, but with cubalibres (rum and coke).​

4) How is writing a travelogue different from writing an inspirational memoir, like your previous books?

​Although they appear to be different genres, they are both non-fiction. I write what I know best, first-hand experiences. Most of the vignettes tell a personal story with a mixture of historical knowledge and my unique perspective over years of travel to Cuba. Unlike my inspirational memoirs, When All Balls Drop and With New Eyes, I did need to do more factual research for these historical dates and people. This helped put the background together for readers as Cuba and its history are complicated.

5) Did you set any writing goals for 2017?

​My goals for 2017 do not include writing. I’m taking a hiatus from writing books this year. I have written three books in three years. So, this year I’m focusing on speaking, events, and articles. I’ll continue to inspire others to overcome obstacles and live an adventurous life, but in other ways.​

6) Are you working on something now? If so, can you tell us more about it?

​I have quite a few unique projects that I’m working on:
1) a film version of my first book, When All Balls Drop
2) recording the audio version of Cubicle to Cuba
3) exclusive tours to Cuba for readers of my books​

About the Book

cubicletocubacoverhighresTitle: Cubicle to Cuba: Desk Job to Dream Job

Author: Heidi Siefkas

Genre: Travelogue

In this introspective travelogue, author, speaker and adventurer Heidi Siefkas shares her transition out of the corporate world’s Cubicle Land to life on the road in Cuba and beyond. Heidi highlights another side of Cuba as well as perspective gained from years of travel to the once-forbidden island. Along the way, she seizes opportunities for adventure in Kauai, Italy, Peru, New Zealand, Australia, and other far-flung places, but always returning to Cuba for more.

Not unlike her previous books When All Balls Drop and With New Eyes, Heidi tells this story with a good dose of sass and humor in her signature down-to-earth vignettes.

Cubicle to Cuba will teach you about Cuba, but it will also inspire you to think outside the cubicle, travel more, and embark on your own Life 2.0 full of adventure.

About Heidi Siefkas

heidisiefkasauthoradventurerphotoHeidi Siefkas is an author, speaker and adventurer.

Originally from small–‐town Wisconsin, Heidi hangs her hat in South Florida.

However, as an adventurer, she’s rarely home for long. The author of two inspirational books When All Balls Drop and With New Eyes, she has created the mantra

Look Up and speaks to groups worldwide. You can connect with Heidi at and on Facebook and Twitter.






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