Author Interviews Virtual Book Tours

Author Interview with Truth Devour


I’m interviewing Truth Devour today, author of paranormal romance “Wantin”. Welcome to my blog!

Author Interview

When did you know you wanted to be an an author?

I have always considered myself an artist because creative expression in all forms was a significant part of my life. In late 2012 I decided I would write a fiction novel with the intent to release it for public consumption. Early 2013 Wantin was released with Unrequited following soon after. I experienced so much pleasure in writing the series that by the time Sated (the final book in the trilogy) was released, I knew I would never stop publishing stories.

What inspired you to write Wantin?

The idea for the story had been with me for a long time. I’m almost always concocting something in my mind. I really enjoyed bringing her to life. It was nice to offer a strong female heroin to readers in the absence of stereotypical over sexualized depictions. Talia is you, me … she isn’t perfect but she owns it. There are challenges in her life that put her to the test. At times she fumbles but never gives up on herself. I wanted to develop a storyline that was set to make people cheer at her highs and cry with her during the lows. I wanted to deliver the message that love is a journey of discovery. All the interludes and experiences help to shape layers of understanding about who we are, what we like and dislike.

What is your editing process like?

I tend to do the following:

First Draft

  1. I put my entire book through an editing suite. There are a few online that you may have heard of: Grammerly, Whitesmoke, Autocrit are examples.
  2. Send the manuscript to some trusted BETA readers
  3. Update the manuscript based on feedback

Second Draft

  1. I put my entire book through an editing suite.
  2. Send to my editor
  3. Update the manuscript based on feedback

Final Version

  1. I put my entire book through an editing suite.
  2. Send to my publisher
  3. Spot check the book once it has been typeset & converted
  4. Make any last minute corrections (usually format related at this stage)
  5. Release to market

Who is your favorite character from your book?

I have a soft spot for the main character Talia. There are some great side characters that I also enjoyed writing. Marton in Hungary, Jean Paul in Paris, the sexy exchange between Talia and Darren in rural Australia to name a few. The moments shared between the characters is what I find special. Talia’s journey is a unique one that affords her to be blessed with meeting a wide variety of beautiful souls during her path of self-discovery.

Did you set any writing goals for 2016? If so, what are they?

Yes. My 2016 writing goals are:

  • Write & publish Insurrection – Book 2 in the Soliloquy’s Labyrinth series
  • Achieved JApril 2016
  • Write & pitch big screen adaptation for Wantin
  • Script Achieved JMay 2016
  • Producers pitching – in progress
  • Write & publish Quantum – Book 3 in the Soliloquy’s Labyrinth series
  • Currently in progress

Are you working on something now?

I’m working on two items at the moment. I find working on multiple projects helps stimulate my creative outlook. When I need a break or am feeling a little unenthused about something I am developing, I go for a long walk and when I return I switch to another project for a while.

  • First draft development of Quantum – Book 3 in the Soliloquy’s Labyrinth series
  • First draft development of an unnamed script in the horror genre

About the Book

Wantin_TruthDevourTitle: Wantin

Author: Truth Devour

Genre: Paranormal Romance

Fate is relentless in its pursuit of Talia Jacobs. Presented with unimaginable turns of chance, she is drawn into the depths of tragic losses then catapulted to the extraordinary heights of life’s joy. Take the journey with Talia as she undergoes her sexual, social and physical metamorphosis from a vulnerable girl into a mature young seductress. Nothing in life is ever as it seems. Is she blessed or cursed? Will she ever find the man who will love her like no other, fearlessly caressing the deepest part of her being while intertwining his soul to hers in a dance that holds the unspoken promise of forever?


About the Author

Truth Devour WebTruth Devour is the pen name of an Australian born author who has published works available through various online stores. The pen name Truth Devour was created from the authors life philosophy of devour thy own truth. It stood as a reminder that in a world filled with deception, misleads and lies one should consider ensuring never buying into a false portrayal of themselves. Lie if you must but never to yourself.

Devour thy own truth ~ embrace it ~ live it ~ love it.

Truth Devour has been telling stories, writing them, dreaming about them before she could crawl. She has immersed herself in all elements of life that stimulate the imagination and inspires her creative expression. Writing, reading, music, poetry, photography and painting are just a few of the spaces she tends to dabble within. Its her passion & a joy.


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Wantin – Youtube Book Promo
Wantin – Youtube Book Promo

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