Author Interviews Virtual Book Tours

Author Interview with Carla Jenkins


Today I’m interviewing Carla Jenkins, author of business/nonfiction “Expand Your Personal Brand”. Welcome to my blog.

Author Interview

When did you know you wanted to be an author?

When I was 6 years old. My first-grade reading teacher had us create our own books. My mother sewn cardboard together to make me one.

What inspired you to write Expand Your Personal Brand?

I wanted to solve personal branding problems. I also did not want other professionals to figure out things through trial and error like I had.

What is your editing process like?

I edit at every stage. If I write one day then I edit at the end of that day. I also devote time towards editing all of my work for the week. Setting some of my earlier work aside, makes me more objective about what I need to cut.

What was the most valuable thing you learned while writing? 

That I can write my own story. Writing is very important in the business world. The better you are at communicating, the better your life will be.

Did you set any writing goals for 2016? If so, what are they?

Yes, my writing goals are to write my business and to flesh out my 2015 Nanowrimo (National Novel Writing Month) manuscript.
Are you working on something now?

Yes, I am working on a project management book.

About the Book

Expand_Your_Personal_BrandTitle: Expand Your Personal Brand

Author: Carla Jenkins

Genre: Business, Nonfiction

I have written this book because I want to save you, the reader, time, money and agony. I have learned these 20 lessons after 10 years of trial and error. The topics I cover are financial, personal branding, marketing and time management. I have started out with zero dollars in my pocket and have worked many 6-figure jobs due to these lessons. ‘ Expand Your Personal Brand!’ kills the learning curve by giving you realistic answers and timetables to solve your personal and professional branding problems. These 20 stories are real because I have lived them. I wish you, the reader, unlimited success.            – Carla Jenkins

Author Bio

Carla_JenkinsCarla Jenkins is a phenomenal expert specializing in project management and positive change management. She helps people capitalize upon all opportunities that positive change brings. Jenkins has received her BA in International Economics from Hiram College and her MBA from Cleveland State University. She also possesses 10 years’ experience in corporate America, a LinkedIn Pulse contributor and a certified project management professional. Ms. Jenkins is the host of Positive Change with Carla radio show focusing on positive change and project management.

Having earned 4 promotions in 9 years, Jenkins has experienced and handled positive change management head on. Many people only talk about change in the negative, but change can be positive. No one talks about positive change, so Jenkins learnt how to manage this change through trial and error. You can check her out at


Author’s personal website:

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