Author Interviews Virtual Book Tours

Author Interview with Dan Wright


I’m interviewing Dan Wright today, author of fantasy “Trapped on Draconica”. Welcome to my blog!

Author Interview

When did you know you wanted to be an author?

I used to read a lot of stories when I was young – ranging from Medieval Fantasy to Greek Mythology. I even tried my hand at writing a few stories myself. I got my first taste of writing my own stories when I did a comic back at my old school – The Abbey School Avenger. Originally I wanted to write my own comics, but because I was terrible at art that never happened. So I turned to script writing for film and TV – again nothing came of it. I then turned to novel writing and I finally was able to make something of it. In hindsight, I should have probably gone for that beforehand, but at least I found my calling soon enough.


What inspired you to write Trapped on Draconica?

Trapped on Draconica was mostly inspired by Lord of the Rings and Doctor Who. Originally I wanted to create a Fantasy story that was actually devoid of magic and all the magic stuff was explained scientifically. As it turned out, that was a terrible idea – so I altered it so that the magic element was toned down, although over time I have gradually introduced magic into the story. But later in my life I became interested in things like anime and manga, so I introduced a few of those elements into the story – which I think helped it a little. I was still going for an epic feel, but at the same time it had more of a tongue-in-cheek element to it.

Other things that inspired it was video games and comic books. I’m amazed at how those two mediums have expanded over the years and have created stories worthy of any great novel or film. Basically I get inspiration from everywhere I can – sometimes just even listening to a certain song can help me. But all of this would never have happened if I didn’t read when I was younger.


What is your editing process like?

Editing is my LEAST favourite part of the writing process – but it’s also the most important. Presentation I say counts for about 80% of whether a person enjoys a book or not. It can have the best story in the world – but if it isn’t edited properly then readers will be turned off from it. You NEED to make sure it looks good to read.

Problem is, I’m a lousy editor. I always miss a lot out. That’s why I let someone else read my work before I give it the thumbs up. At the moment, my mum is my editor. She is really thorough and gives me some great notes. I always know she’ll do a good job with it and she’s never let me down.

I think all writers need to get someone else to read their work now and then. Having a fresh pair of eyes on it is a good thing. After all, if they don’t enjoy reading it, how will your readers get through it? So I’d highly recommend getting someone else to read it over. Doesn’t have to be a professional editor – just someone who can help you create a good look.


Who is your favorite character from your book?


Probably Zarracka. She’s the femme fatale of the story and probably the “fanservice” character. But I was careful not to make her there just for the sake of having an alluring woman. She is pretty cold and uncaring, but actually, if you get deeper into her character, there is a lot of pain behind her character. Yes she’s evil, but she’s also quite tragic at the same time. Plus she also has her moments of childish poutiness that I think makes her a little different to other femme fatales out there. And I think she has the coolest (no pun intended) powers out of all the Dragonkin characters.

Did you set any writing goals for 2016? If so, what are they?


Trapped on Draconica was one of them. The other books in the Draconica series will also be released this year. In actual fact, the Draconica series was a series I put out before, but it wasn’t as good as it could have been. This is my chance to do it right and make it as good a series as it can be. Hopefully by the end of the year that will achieved.


Are you working on something now?

Yes. As well as this series, I am also working on Amanda Moonstone, a companion series to Draconica. It’s set in the same world as Draconica, but has more of a family friendly feel to it, akin to a Disney or Pixar movie. I hope to have the second book in the series out soon. Plus I am also working on a few short stories set in Draconica, given for free on the website. And I am working on a prequel series for Draconica called Draconi-Lore – which will have some more backstory for some of the characters in the Draconica series.

About the Book

TOD Updated Cover EbookTitle: Trapped on Draconica

Author: Dan Wright

Genre: Fantasy

Barely into his teens, Ben Anthony has not had it easy. With his father in prison, his mother struggling to keep him under control and his friends little more than criminals in the making, Ben is already on a self-destructive path. But his life is about to get much worse.

Teleported to the world where dragons once ruled, Ben finds himself the target of the malign Baalarian Empire – of which Emperor Gothon seeks to capture him for reasons yet unknown. Teaming with warrior Princess Daniar Dragonkin, her altruistic sister Erowin and the revenge seeking Leonidan Prince Kalak, Ben sets out on a reluctant quest to find his way home. And thus begins his incredible adventure…

Author Bio

Dan Author Pic 2Dan lives in the United Kingdom – born in the historic town of Canterbury, Kent. He picked up a love of Fantasy stories after reading such classics as The Lord of the Rings, The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe and numerous Roald Dahl novels.

His biggest influences are Douglas Adams, Alan Moore, Stan Lee, J.R.R. Tolkien, Joss Whedon, H.P Lovecraft, Hiromu Arakawa and George R R Martin. He is highly influenced by Anime, Video Games and Comic books. He has also written a fan parody series on YouTube called Totalitarian Warlords and Termination Squadron.

As well as writing, Dan plays guitar in a metal band. He likes all kinds of music—but he mainly listens to rock and metal, rap, some pop music and also film and video game scores. He also loves Disney and Pixar movies—often finding himself singing along to the tunes, or crying manly tears!

He is also a slave to his cat, who takes up a lot of his time when he isn’t at work or writing!

To learn more about Dan and the world of Draconica, visit the following places:


Draconica Website:


Twitter: @PandaDanWright

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