Monday Musings

Monday Musings #35

mondaymusingsLast month, I set myself some pretty steep goals, such as writing a novel (first draft) in a month, finishing up my proofreading projects, starting out on a weekly newsletter for on my book review blog,  blogging three times a week on here, writing 4 short stories, and then working on a first draft of a second novel, up to 10k.

I completed all my goals, and then I also started editing/revising “Ghostslayer”, my perpetual WIP. I’m at chapter 9.

For this month, I want to do the same: finish a novel, write one short story a week, blog three time a week, send out weekly newsletter and my monthly newsletter from my author blog, add another 10k to my WIP #2. But I also want to accomplish some more: I want to finish editing Ghostslayer, and writing the last 15-20k of the book. Then I want to edit those last chapters, and start submitting the completed manuscript. In an ideal world, I’ll also find time to edit my January WIP.

But as usual with Monday Musings, I’m breaking down these goals one week at a time. Here are my goals for this week:

  • Write 15k in February WIP (still have to pick which WIP, I have two ideas to choose from).
  • Send out monthly newsletter.
  • Blog three times on my author blog.
  • Set up everything for cover reveal for Demonic Pact on Friday (YEP, we’re revealing it THIS Friday).
  • Finish editing the rest of Ghostslayer that I’ve written so far.
  • Write a short story for the week.

What are your goals for this week?

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All Hallows Academy is one of the most prestigious universities in the world for witches and wizards. Being accepted into All Hallows is an honor Lavinia Bloodbane and her best friend Jensen have been dreaming of for years.

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