Monday Musings Writing

Monday Musings #31

mondaymusingsIt’s been a while since I set up  Monday Musings! I used to recap all the events of the past week each Monday, but I quit doing that in 2014. Since it helped me keep track of things, I decided to give this old habit a new try.

I didn’t spend a lot of time writing last week, but I did spend a lot of time prepping. I’ve set up some New Year’s Resolutions for 2016, and I wrote a review for Jessica Jones, one of my new favorite TV shows. I also wrote most of the reviews for on my book review blog, I Heart Reading, so I’m actually ahead for once.

Here’s what I want to do this week:

  • Write a post on Monday (this one), Wednesday and Friday for on my blog.
  • Send out my monthly newsletter.
  • Write 10k in my current WIP (called JanWIP for lack of a better word).
  • Work on another WIP, write 2k in that.
  • Write a short story.

Phew, that’s a lot. Let’s hope I reach at least SOME of these goals, or make some overall progress.

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