I’m interviewing Claire Warner, author of historical romance “The Black Lotus”. Thanks for visiting my blog, Claire, and for answering my questions.
Author Interview
When did you know you wanted to be an author?
When I realised I’d been writing plots all my life and that I really should put them on paper.
Where did you get the inspiration for The Black Lotus?
I wanted to write about an immortal falling in love with a human, but didn’t want to have him fall for a 21st century girl and I didn’t want the immortality to be something wonderful. I would imagine that immortality would be dull after a few centuries, so I thought, what would happen if the lovers met, the girl was cursed and then spent the time from the 18th century to now trying to break it.
What is your editing process like?
I try to write everything first, leave it for about a month then read my first draft, make the obvious changes. Leave it for a second time, make some more alterations and then I hand it to my editor who is very handy with a red pen.
Did you set any writing goals for 2014? Did you accomplish them
I did have goals, I haven’t hit them yet. Work and life kinda got in the way.
What are your writing goals for 2015?
Finish and publish book two.
Are you working on something now? If so, can you tell us a little about it?
I’m currently writing the second novel in the Night Flower series, Blood Orchid. I’m also working on a collection of steampunk inspired short stories and there is a fantasy novel in the works.
About The Book
Title: The Black Lotus
Author: Claire Warner
Genre: Historical Romance with a paranormal twist
….though I would dearly love to play court to you, I would hurt you more than any other.”
It is 1752. The year that will change the life of heiress Melissa De Vire. As she makes her first steps into society, she meets Justin Lestrade and his world tears her perceptions apart. Drawn irresistibly to him, she finds herself sinking into a realm of feuds, magic and old curses.
Author Bio
By day I am a boring civil servant, but by night (and at weekends) I write stories. I love fiction, I love the way that words can draw you from your own everyday world.
I love to read. As a child I read all of the Enid Blyton books and devoured Roald Dahl. As a teenager, I discovered LJ Smith, Anne McCaffrey, Tamora Pierce, David Eddings and went through the phase of reading Point Horrors. As an adult, I found Kelley Armstrong, Raymond E Feist, Georgette Heyer, The Brontes, Mary Shelley, Bram Stoker, Sheridan La Fanu and Henry James. I cannot imagine live without books.
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