Author Interviews Virtual Book Tours

Author Interview with Veronica Larsen


I’m interviewing Veronica Larsen, author of erotic contemporary romance “Entangle”. Welcome to my blog, Veronica, and thanks for answering my questions.

1. When did you know you wanted to be an author?

I was seven years old when one of my teachers read a personal essay I wrote and told me I was a good writer. For a kid that age, being told I was good at anything felt like an amazing accomplishment. I started writing poetry and then moved on to stories. Being an author felt like an abstract idea but even then I knew I wanted to be a story teller.

2. Where did you get the inspiration for Entangle?

I started writing a story of lust. Just lust. A story about two people that felt an incredible attraction to each other but could not yield to it for other reasons. Eventually the novel became more about a woman dealing with her deep rooted fear of intimacy. Lust became a vehicle through which she navigated her fear.

3. What is your editing process like?

I hire an editor, but before I send off my manuscript I put it through a grueling process. I think the process is too long and boring for the scope of this question. Let’s just say it involves weeks of read-throughs and re-writing. I utilize checklists and programs like the Hemingway Application that color code my manuscript text, showing me my weakest structural points.

4. What was the most challenging part of writing this book?

The final editing on Entangle was completed almost two months ago. Yet I still wake up in the middle of the night thinking of a passage I want to re-word. Or something else I want to alter. That’s the hard part…knowing when to stop and leave the world behind. I know from the experience of writing my first manuscript (a YA fantasy that has yet to see the light of day) that you can re-write and tinker a novel until the end of time. The story will never be perfect. Perfection isn’t the goal in story telling (perfection is the goal of the ego). I want my novel to be compelling. I want it to be well written, of course. My goal is to improve my skills as a story teller and become better. The only way I can achieve this is by moving forward, working on the next project. I can feel myself growing with each novel I write.

5. Did you set any writing goals for 2014? Did you accomplish any, so far?

When 2014 started, I was a writer who had yet to finish a single novel (I started writing at 7, so that’s 20 years of trying). So my goal really was to finish a novel (namely, the YA Fantasy I spent three years working on). As of today, I’ve finished two novels and i’m currently writing a third one, which I hope to have done by the end of the year.

6. Do you have any works in progress you’d like to tell us about?

My project for November (#nanowrimo) is Entice, book two of Hearts of Stone. I’ve got quite a few novels planned for next year.

About The Book

Cover_ebook_EntangleTitle: Entangle

Author: Veronica Larsen

Genre:  Romance (Adult, Contemporary)

Happily ever after? It doesn’t exist.

I wore the big white dress and rode off with Prince Charming. Then Charming changed his mind.

These days, I don’t put my heart in anyone’s hands because I don’t even know where I’ve left it.

So when a ruggedly handsome, blue-eyed man stirs my desires awake for the first time in years, I tell myself it’s a one-time thing.

And now? I’m hooked. Nothing could prepare me for Leo. He weaves simple, deliberate movements into pure, gilded pleasure. Like a sensual alchemist.

I’m so blinded by lust I barely notice the gaping hole opening underneath me, the one that’s sure to swallow me down. Because every time I’ve dared to get close to someone, they’ve cracked me wide open.

Why should this time be any different?


Twitter: @Author_VLarsen
Facebook: Veronica Larsen
Wattpad: VMLarsen

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