Book Launches

Happy Release Day for The Soul Thief!

left_openToday is the release day for my YA Paranormal novel, The Soul Thief, the first book in the Angel of Death Series. I’m so thrilled this book finally sees the light of day!

The book releases in both eBook and paperback format. There’s a release day blitz going on today, and the book tour starts tomorrow. Which means I’ve got a lot of work waiting for me (answering interview questions, writing guest posts, and what not) but I don’t mind at all.

Here’s the synopsis for The Soul Thief:

When sixteen-year-old Riley is injured in a car crash and sees a girl stealing a boy’s soul, she’s convinced she’s hallucinating. But when she sees the same girl at the hospital later, she knows she wasn’t dreaming. That’s when Riley learns her secret heritage and who she really is: a halfling Angel of Death.

Riley must come to terms with her new reality and supernatural abilities, but before she can do this, girls her age start dying in mysterious circumstances. It’s up to Riley to figure out why, what the innocent victims have in common, and what she can do to stop them from dying.

The book is available from Amazon in Kindle and paperback format. The book is also available from B&N.

Release Day Blitz

Tons of bloggers signed up to participate in the release day blitz, and I can’t thank them enough. So I wanted to give another shout out to all the blogs who signed up, and thank them for showcasing my book.

Write Away Bliss

The Musings of a Book Addict

Relaxed Reads

Country Book Bumpkin

Step Into Fiction

Roxy’s Reviews

A Book Paradise

Tracy’s Nook

Kristy Centeno

Addicted Readers

Lisa Writes

Wandering Thoughts of a Writer

Indy Book Fairy


Reese’s Reviews

The Pleasure of Reading

Deal Sharing Aunt

Pinky’s Favorite Reads

Renee Entress’s Blog

Behind the Pages

Here is What I Read

Real Talk, Book Talk

Twinsie Talk

Whispered Thoughts

This Redhead Loves Books

Little Hyuts Reviews

Books and Friendz

Star Shadow Blog

Becca Anne’s Book Reviews

Nerd Girl Official

Book Crushin

The Best Books Ever

Dystopia Capitol

Bex n Books

Stephanie Keyes, Author

Kat’s Book Promotions

The Avid Reader

Writing Belle

The Literary Melting Pot


3 thoughts on “Happy Release Day for The Soul Thief!

  1. Shilpa Mudiganti

    Beautiful cover Majanka! Good luck with it!

    1. admin

      Thank you! 🙂

  2. Emily

    Thanks for the mention, Majanka! I’m so excited to write my review!!

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book cover mockup for Majanka Verstraete

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