Author Interviews Virtual Book Tours

Author Interview with Leila Lacey


I’m interviewing Leila Lacey, author of book box set “The Legacy Series” on my blog today. Welcome, Leila, and thanks for taking the time to answer my questions.

Author Interview

1. When did you know you wanted to be an author?

A: I knew I wanted to write when I was 10 years old. But I never ever imagined I would be published or that this particular occupation would be encouraged by my mother so I never told anyone accept my grandmother. I put it in the back of my mind with other things I figured I would never do. Like be a phenomenal basketball player at 4’11”

2. Where did you get the inspiration for The Legacy Series?

A: Honestly, the Legacy Series did not come from a desire to write a book about the heroine or the hero in this story. It actually came from me wanting to write my granny into a book, my granny was the most awesome woman I have ever known. I started to think while I was writing my second book. What kind of book can I write that can feature someone that is like my granny in all her glory! Then I thought well it would have to be southern based. Because in my eyes granny was a Southern Belle. So I sat down and thought what kind of character would granny be a good grandmother too? I then developed Shelby, after developing Shelby I thought what kind of man would Shelby fall in love with and I came up with Logan. The rest (as they say) is history.

3. What is your editing process like?

A: HA! I laugh because initially it was not organized AT ALL! Then I ended up accidently publishing the version of my book “Loving Logan” that was not edited at all. Not even a spell check. Needless to say the readers noticed it and ripped me a new one! THANK GOD… I would not have known otherwise so although it was embarrassing. It was such a relief to find out and make the correction.

As far as my process, when I am done writing I do an editing “run through”. Then I give it to my editor and a friend of mine. While my editor is editing my friend is reading it and checking it for things like it not making sense or in the case of a series saying “I think you said this was this in the book before this.” Then when I get it back from the editor, my friend and I go through it again. This time I read it as a reader and try not to skip ahead because I know what is about to happen. My friend will send me the things that she found that were missed and I put those with the things that I found and I give it back to the editor again. This goes on two to three times sometimes more and we end up with the finished project.

4. What was the most challenging part of writing this series?

A: Juggling all the secrets and maintaining the characters personalities. Because there are such strong personalities in this book, and the family secrets… there were times when I was like… where in the heck did I get that from? So juggling all of what was going on and still keeping all the characters true to their original form from the first story was sometimes a challenge.

5. Did you set any writing goals for 2014? Did you accomplish any, so far?

A: YES! My first goal was publish…check, then it was get a 5 star review from someone I don’t know… check. Then it was sell 500 books… check. Now, it’s to keep creating wonderful stories that the readers love. And for me personally to make my honey proud of me. He told me recently he was VERY proud of me.. so CHECK and YEAH ME!

6. Are you working on something now? If so, can you tell us a little about it?

A. Yes, I am always working on something, I know now that I am doing what I ALWAYS wanted to do besides be a chef. I will always be working on something. I can’t say a lot about my current project because even my “insiders” don’t know what I am working on. But I can say the characters are a lot tamer in this book then some of my others. I am giving this muted personality thing a shot. We will see how it goes.

About The Book Set

Legacy Series CoverTitle: The Legacy Series

Author: Leila Lacey

Genre : Multicultural, Contemporary Romance

Shelby Beasley is a smart, kind, and curvy woman. With bad family relationships and low self-esteem. She is the oldest daughter in the Beasley family. One of the richest most prominent families in the south. Her mother is over critical of her and her sister and brother, well they pretend she doesn’t exist. The only two people Shelby has are her father and her grandmother Queenie.

Logan Chandler is an ex-con from the other side of the tracks. Having made his share of stupid mistakes as a kid; he finally knows what he wants out of life and is trying to go after it. He is close to his family. He had a young daughter who was a product of another one of his mistakes, his mother and his twin brother Lance who is best friends with Shelby Beasley.

Logan hates rich people, he feels they use their money and power to break laws and keep poor people down and never suffer any consequences. Shelby is and has always been the exception to that. She was the one and only person he could think of that he actually liked that was wealthy. When Shelby needs his brothers help and Logan has to step in it starts a journey of discovery, heartbreak and love. Can Shelby discover her true power and stand up for herself and love the wonderful woman she is? Can Logan put all his demons aside and share in the love and acceptance Shelby has to give? Or will the Legacy of being a Beasley keep them apart?

BONUS: Sample of “A Broken Belle” to be released in March 2015

Author Bio

IMG_0008Leila Lacey is a romance author living in Michigan. With 3 Amazon Best Selling Books. Her unique, yet titillating, genre blurs the lines between romance, interracial love and erotica. Now in her late 30’s, Leila has been passionate about writing since age 10. She can often be found traveling the world, enjoying water sports, listening to jazz music or volunteering at Vista Maria, a local youth program for young women. Leila, above all else, loves her friends and family. It is with their support that she is able to create magical scenes of true human intimacy on every page. Follow Leila Lacey on her endeavor to be America’s next New York Time’s Bestselling Author!



Book Links: The Legacy Series Complete Set






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