Author Interviews Virtual Book Tours

Author Interview with William J. Warren


Another interview today, this time with William J. Warren, author of poetry collection “Hard Love: The Pleasure And The Pain”. Welcome to my blog, Mr. Warren, and thanks for answering my questions.

Author Interview

Q: When did you know you wanted to be an author?

A: I knew I wanted to be an author when I was in my early 20’s.

Q: When did you get the inspiration for Hard Love?

A: I partially got my motivation from when I would send my lady friends poetic texts and when I got applause for something I penned.

Q: What is your editing process like?

A: My editing process is simple yet intricate. First, I have multiple pens and notepads in multiple places so I can write as soon as it comes to mind. Second, once I gather enough to start a poem or cut and paste it in somewhere, I take a pic or type it into my phone so I don’t loose it. Thirdly, I transfer what was in my phone to my home PC. Lastly, I compile written notes to a manila folder with all drafts and notes.

Q: What was the most challenging part of writing this book?

A: The most challenging part of this publishing process was deciding how many of my poems I was going to put into my book because a lot of my writing are personal. At times you feel that people are not ready, your creativity is over the top or just that your art is just that valuable.

Q: Did you set yourself any writing challenges for 2014? Did you accomplish them?

A: Yes, I set goals for myself for 2014 like edit and write more times per week, tutor young writers and write more in my journal as well as explore writing short stories, sonnets and etc. Yes, I’ve accomplished them and then some.

Q: Are you working on something now? If so, can you tell us a little about it?

A: Yes, I’m working on doing a documentary right now; the biography of Langston Hughes.

About The Book

14406471Title: Hard Love: The Pleasure and the Pain

Author: William J. Warren

Genre: Poetry

A poetry collection by author William J. Warren

Author Bio

William J. Warren resides in Florida and has won several awards throughout the years in honor of his creative writing.


Amazon: Amazon

Google Books: Google Books

B&N: B&N

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