What's Up Wednesday

What’s Up Wednesday #7

RobotWhat’s Up Wednesday is a weekly blog hop created by Jaime Morrow and Erin Funk. The goal of this hop is to help connect writers on their writing journey. You can find out more about the blog hop here.

What I’m Reading

I’ve been reading horror books, for the most part, including quite a few Darkfuse titles, “A Shrill Keening,” “Shadows of Children”, “Facial” and “Angel of the Abyss”. I can’t remember the author’s names from the top of my head though, butI enjoyed the books for the most part. They’re upcomoing DarkFuse releases, set to release in November and December.

What I’m writing

Gosh, it’s been a while since I wrote this down – my last What’s Up Wednesday post still mentioned needing to proofread “The Soul Thief”. In the meanwhile, I wrapped up that stage, which means the ARC is ready, and being sent out to bloggers as we speak.

I’m working on self-editing the first book in the Allegro Academy, a YA paranormal mystery series. I wrote the series one year ago, but it’s in desperate need of editing. I’m also working on the first draft for “The Fear Club”,  lower grade chapter book (this time not set in the Weirdville series). And as usual, still trying to wrap up “Ghostslayer”.

What Works For Me

Editing other people’s work, giving critique and beta-reading. By reading other people’s books, I learned so much more about writing.

What Else I’ve Been Upto

I’m working on promoting the Weirdville series, hoping to get edits for “The Clumsy Magican” and “Grave Error” soon, so I can get those edited as well and ready for their scheduled release dates on December, 1st.

Also, I’m working hard on the book tour for The Soul Thief – which basically means writing guest posts and answering to interview questions.

I wrapped up edits for a project, and am almost finished with edits for another project. What have you been up to? Enjoy writing this week!

6 thoughts on “What’s Up Wednesday #7

  1. Emma Adams

    Congrats on your ARC’s being ready! Exciting! Good luck with all the edits! 🙂

  2. Niki Lenz

    Sometimes I am still in “edit mode” when I read published books, and I make mental notes of what should be changed 🙂 Writer problems!

  3. Miss Cole

    Congrats on having ARCs! What an exciting time in your writing life.

  4. Jana Denardo

    Ooo a paranormal mystery YA, that is right up my alley.

    and congrats on getting to the ARC stage of the other story.

  5. Alison Miller

    I too learn a lot from critiquing and I love it! Good luck with all the writing this week!

  6. Fida

    Good luck with the edits!

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