Author Interviews Virtual Book Tours

Author Interview with Brenda Moguez


I’m interviewing Brenda Moguez, author of new adult sweet contemporary romance “Loving is Good”. Welcome to my blog, Brenda, and thanks for answering my questions.

1. When did you know you wanted to be an author?

Being an author never entered my mind. When I was younger I enjoyed telling stories and making things up, but my third grade teacher, Mrs. Williams, was not fond of my imagination. She found it disturbing, and encouraged me to pursue other activities, like sitting quite and never talking. For almost forever whenever I considered writing I saw her face hovering overhead and did something else. Then… I made one of those deathbed promises you can’t break and bought a notebook. The author part came later and took me by surprise.

2. Where did you get the inspiration for Loving is Good?

The lyrics to an old Spanish love song, Volver, Volver. It means going back. The song’s essence is about a lover wanting to return to a passionate love affair after it is over, how the heart cannot stop yearning for what was lost. It’s madness to do so, but the heart doesn’t always care. Celia, the heroine of Loving is Good, came from there. I saw her sitting in front of her laptop dishing out advice to the brokenhearted when she herself was lost in in her own struggles with love and life.

3. What is your editing process like?

I am a fast drafter. I write the first draft without stopping to look back. After the draft is complete I take one chapter at a time and revise, and then I revise the chapter edits. Finally, I send to someone else to read/edit, and then after that, I review one more time. At the very end I convert the text to speech and listen to the words. And still I wonder if it’s perfect.

4. What was the most challenging part of writing this book?

The book was originally written in present tense, but the editor wanted it changed to past, which isn’t as easy as adding ‘ed’’ to the end of a word.

5. What are your writing goals for 2014?

Write the squeal to Loving is Good

Write two new full-length novels

Self-teach myself marketing through the release of Loving is Good

And self-publish a collection of short stories penned by Cupid, which is why I am pushing myself to understand the nuances of self-marketing.

6. Are you working on something right now? If so, can you tell us more about it? 


While waiting impatiently to hear back on a completed novel riding the query coaster, I’m working on a new WIP. It’s a story about a recent college graduate, Lucia, who falls for a summer fling. She realizes on the day of her wedding to the irresistible, older, Colin Ainsworth, that all she knows about love is what she learned watching the Disney channel. She manages to get through the ceremony wondering what awaits her. After being whisked off to London and getting caught up in an international scandal she is forced to ditch her compliant nature. Discovering she’s gutsy and has opinions comes as a surprise, which transforms the young woman who struggled to say I do. But finally comprehending the true meaning of love, what it takes to overcome the tribulations, and that passions can get lost in the weight of life, nearly breaks her spirit. But being a Disney graduate of romance, she finds her way back.

That’s the story so far, but I never know how a story will unfold until I get through it.


Loving is Good

perf5.000x8.000.inddTitle: Loving is Good

Author: Brenda Moguez

Genre: Sweet romance / new adult

Celia Mendoza is not living La Vida Loca. She put her graduate studies on hold after her father died. Now she dishes out advice in her e-zine column, Luna Love, Loving is Good. The problem is, she hasn’t had a second date or a kiss in over a year. Then Gabe Mercer, a modern-day Adonis, shows up, daring her to take a chance. The string of broken hearts in his wake turns Celia off, but his relentless encouragement to pursue her dream of becoming a serious journalist contradicts his reputation, making it hard to fight the pull of his topaz, come-hither eyes. He’s everything Luna Love tells her readers to take a chance on, but Celia can’t decide if a chance encounter is worth the gamble. But life has a will of its own, and hers is pushing Celia to accept the uncertainty and run towards her destiny.

Author Bio

moguez_headshotBrenda Moguez lives in San Francisco. She writes fiction with quirky, strong women, with non-formulaic endings because life isn’t always perfect. She writes by the light of the moon and between conference calls. She has aspirations for a fully staffed villa in Barcelona and funding aplenty for a room of her own. When she’s not working on a story, she writes love letters to the universe, dead poets, and Mae West. You can find her at and, where she explores passionate pursuits in all its forms.



Barnes and Nobel

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