Author Interviews Virtual Book Tours

Author Interview with D.J. Blackmore


I’m interviewing D.J. Blackmore, author of historical romance “Charter to Redemption”. Thanks for answering my questions, D.J., and welcome to my blog.

Author Interview

1. When did you know you wanted to be an author?
A: At fourteen I began my first novel.

2. Where did you get the inspiration for Charter to Redemption?
A: The lovely harbour city of Newcastle near where I grew up is so far removed from what it once was. It fascinates me to think of the lives of those past, of the buildings that once were and are yet no more. Being a descendant of Scottish convicts, I have a heart for their story, but perhaps more than that, the romance of history and story telling, inspires and excites me.

3. What is your editing process like?
A: Something which only a perfectionist understands.

4. What was the most challenging part of writing this book?
A: Gracefully considering and accepting my publisher telling me when I needed to change the a scene here and there. This is difficult when you think you’re done and then it has to get pulled this way, that way, and another. There was one change near the end of the book, and I didn’t know how I could achieve what the publisher wanted and what I needed at the same time. But then inspiration came like a bolt from the blue, as it often will. All her requests and criticisms helped to make the story a stronger one. Grabbing her request and weaving it become an inspiration where I hadn’t thought possible, encouraged me to know that I not only had a gift, but had acquired both the skill and the mettle to be the writer I had hoped.

5. What are your writing goals for the rest of 2014?
To have ‘Consider the Ravens’ completely edited.

6. Are you working on something now? If so, can you tell us a little about it?
I wrote ‘Sassenach’ prior to ‘Charter to Redemption’. I’m looking to see its story find the light of day. The witch trials of Scotland and the reformed Scottish Kirk. Love, lust and superstition.

Charter to Redemption

photoTitle: Charter to Redemption

Author: D.J. Blackmore

Genre: Historical Romance

At the close of 1821, the penal colony of Newcastle looks to be every bit as black as it’s painted. Emma Colchester charters a ride to Australia with a promise of marriage to a man she has never met. But appearances aren’t always as they seem. And with a commitment unavoidable Emma learns that shackles are not always forged from iron.

Tobias Freeman longs for redemption and hope. After a rough journey to New South Wales, Tobias learns the rations, the regulations, and the reprisal.

But neither Emma nor Tobias expect the repercussions.

Author Bio

10177941_777460682284675_5383801900327037432_nD. J. Blackmore is a Hunter Valley, New South Wales author, born and raised. Her convict heritage and love of history have seen the author explore this in ‘Charter to Redemption.’ Yet is is perhaps Australian dogged determination has seen this debut author as a new name in fiction. Although amazon reviews reflect her work, it is pertinent to note that the author’s story is not unique, although her journey in writing has been. Numerous rejections never daunted the author, and many years after her dream was envisaged, so was the reality. Yet for all the countless doubts that niggle every writer who has lived in hope, it is humbling praise indeed when reviewer F. Stanford writes of ‘Charter to Redemption’ and Ms Blackmore’s work: “this could very well be the benchmark for the standard of modern-day classics.”

D. J. Blackmore is currently working on the sequel, ‘Consider the Ravens.’


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