Cover Reveal

Blog updates and cover talk

stacksI spent several hours updating the blog and website this morning. It’s nowhere near perfect, but I made some changes that’ll hopefully be an improvement.

  • I added a page for young adult novels. The page for the Mirrorland series is now a subpage of that one. I also added a brand new page for the Angel of Death series, in particular the first book, The Soul Thief, which includes a book blurb and links.
  • On the page for my picture books, I added a one-page sell sheet/press kit for Valentina and the Haunted Mansion which can be downloaded here. Similar press kits coming soon for the other books!
  • Sidebar was updated. Instead of just posting the first book in a series, I added thumbnails of all books in the series with a direct link to where the books can be purchased, and then a link underneath linking to the overall info page. I also added The Soul Thief to the sidebar, and my audiobooks. Updating the sidebars took a lot longer than I expected though!

In terms of writing, edits for Drowning in Fear are finished, and I have ARCS available for people interested in reviewing the book. Woohoo! If you have a blog, and/or Amazon account, and you’d like to review Drowning in Fear, a scary lower grade chapter book, then please comment here, or contact me through email.

Edits for The Soul Thief are wrapped up as well, and I’m waiting to hear back from the proofreader. For those of you who missed it, the cover reveal for The Soul Thief was yesterday, I’ve added the cover to this post as well.The cover reveal was a blast, and looks like everyone loved the cover!



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