What's Up Wednesday

What’s Up Wednesday #5

RobotWhat’s Up Wednesday is a weekly blog hop created by Jaime Morrow and Erin Funk. The goal of this hop is to help connect writers on their writing journey. You can find out more about the blog hop here.

What I’m Reading

I’m in the middle of reading “The 100”. So far, not so impressed. I absolutely loved the TV series, so I was certain I’d enjoy the book too, but it seems to focus on romance more than anything else. The plot has potential to be awesome, which makes it even more dissapointing.

What I’m Writing

The first round of edits for “Soul Thief”, my YA Paranormal which will release in November, is finished, and now I’m waiting on the second round of edits. I should get them soon though, and then I can start working on them.

I’m also still working on the first draft of “Ghostslayer”. I’m at 14k now – it’s going slow, but I’ll get there. I spent most of my time studying, so I haven’t had much time for writing yet.

What Inspires Me Right Now

Watching episodes of “The Killing”, and getting inspired by some Coldplay music.

What Else I’ve Been Up To

Studying, mostly, as well as writing some reviews, setting up book tours and marketing for clients, and working on some press releases.

5 thoughts on “What’s Up Wednesday #5

  1. Miss Cole

    Hmmm, I’ve been hearing about The 100 on and off. It’s not in my TBR pile yet though. Sounds like it can wait for now.

    Best of luck with those edits!

  2. Kris F. Oliver

    Soul Thief, what a fantastic title. Love it!

    We just binge-watched the entire new season of The Killing. Great show. I love how flawed the characters are.

    Hope you have a great week!

  3. Jana Denardo

    Good luck with the upcoming release. I like the title.

  4. Sarah Kettles

    Those are some really great titles – congrats on the November release!

    Have a great week!

  5. Tonja Drecker

    Good luck with edits! I’m sure that with the up-coming release, it’s hard to get much written on anything else. But it will come 🙂

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