Blogging A to Z Challenge NaNoWriMo

Blogging from A to Z challenge: C is for CampNaNo

A2Z-BADGE-0002014-small_zps8300775cToday I’m talking about CampNaNo for the “Blogging from A to Z challenge”. For those of you who don’t know what CampNaNo is, it’s a spin-off from NaNoWriMo. You try to write a manuscript in one month. You can read more about it on the website, here.

Last year, I participated in CampNaNo twice, but I won only once. The second camp was during the summer holiday, and, rather unexpected, I ended up having tons of work at the time, so I couldn’t cram in any more time for writing. But April, well, that sounds like a great month to get started on a novel. Exams are still a few months away, it’s Easter holidays, and while I have to do some studying, it’s not as demanding as it’ll be in a few months.

This time around, I’m doing CampNaNo with a group of friends though. Last year, I was on my own. Now there’s five people in my group who I already know, and that makes it all more…I don’t know, serious. If I fail, they’ll notice that too, and I don’t want to fail in front of my friends, so social pressure is higher than it was last time around.

I debated which manuscript I’d work on. I have several WIPs in various stages of completion, that all require rewrites of some sort. In the end, I chose “Ghostslayer”. I’d written 50k in that manuscript already, but then decided to completely turn the story around. The characters will stay the same, but the setting and plot will be completely different.

So now I’m starting from scratch again. I wrote an outline, and today, I’m getting started on the real work.

What about you – are you participating in CampNaNo? Why / why not?

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