Author Interviews Virtual Book Tours

Author Interview with K.R. Robidoux


I’m interviewing K.R. Robidoux, author of supernatural novel “Finding Fire”. Thanks for answering my questions, and welcome to my blog.

Author Interview

When did you know you wanted to become an author?

I have been writing since I was a child, and I have always wanted to put my stories to paper, it just took me a little longer than I had thought it would to do so.

Where did you get the inspiration for Finding Fire?

I love stories about magic and fantasy. I just tried to think of something I hadn’t read about before and the elemental series was born. I always have multiple story lines running in my head, I just have to focus on one and go with it.

What is your editing process like?

I have proof read my book multiple times, but I will be the first to tell you grammar is not one of my strong suits. It is something I have always struggled with. Because of this I had a few different family members edit the book for me as well, though we still miss some things.

What was the most challenging part about writing Finding Fire?

Getting the story on the page the way I see it in my mind.

What are your writing goals for 2014?

I am hoping to finish the second book of elemental gifts before the end of the year.

Are you working on something right now? If so, can you tell us more about it?

Chasing Wind follows Kenna in the search of her sibling with air abilities and the struggle they all have working together and fighting the Restorers.

About Finding Fire

Finding_Fire_Cover_for_Kindle (1)Title: Finding Fire (Elemental Gifts)

Author: K.R. Robidoux

Genre: Supernatural

Kenna’s life was pretty normal. Single child raise by her grandmother, who loved her job and the quiet small town she grew up in, but as fate would have it that is not the way things would remain. After her Granny died, Kenna discovers who she really is, and what she is truly capable of. She is the fifth child of a very unique family that has the ability to control the four elements. But as she is trying to find the family she didn’t even know she has she also finds the Restorers, a faction of people who want nothing but to eliminate people like Kenna and her family from the world. Now more than ever she must learn to control her gifts, find her family, and protect them from the Restorers.

Author Bio

Author picK.R. was born and raised in Colorado. She is married with four kids, and has always dreamed of putting her stories to paper. Though she has written since she was a child, the elemental gift series is her first published work. A lover of the outdoors her and her family spend as much time as they can in the mountains.


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