Monthly Goals

Monthly Goals and Absence

goalsAs you may have noticed, I haven’t blogged much as of late. The reason was mostly lack of time. Uni exams were crazy this year, so I had no time to schedule posts beforehand. Usually I manage to schedule a few posts beforehand, so I don’t have to do anything last minute, but so far, this year, that hasn’t turned out as planned. At the end of January, I was exhausted. I had writing deadlines coming up that demanded a lot of my time, book tours to catch up with, and a last-minute trip.

The trip promised free WiFi at our hotel, and while we got free WiFi, it was so painstakingly slow I couldn’t even check my emails without the server connection timing out. So by the time I got back home, a week later, I was behind on all my to-do-lists. I’ve had to play catch up for the rest of the month.

I’m finally getting back on track now. I managed to schedule most posts for this week on my book review blog, I Heart Reading, and I’m back on track in regards to book tours as well. Writing deadlines for last month have been met – the most important ones, at least, I wanted to sign up for a few anthologies, but didn’t get around to it.

This semester at uni will probably be very tough as well, but I’m sure that with the right planning, it’ll work out. I have a plan that seems doable, as long as I stick to it.

So now you know why I haven’t been around that much. But I plan to make up for that in March. With my schedule clearing up again – at least, somewhat – and while I’m slowly realizing my own limits when it comes to writing (my February plan had me writing a short story + 5k words in a novel a day, which was absolutely insane, especially since I have so much other work to do), I hope to blog regularly again.

I’m trying to keep my writing goals for this month simple, so I don’t get overwhelmed. I have a number of papers to write as well, so papers and deadlines get priority.

Here are my writing goals for March 2014:

  • Catch up with A Story A Week. I’ve written two stories so far, while I should’ve written nine now, and by the end of March, thirteen. So my current status is 2/13.
  • If possible, start editing some of those stories, and start querying.
  • Write the first draft forĀ  The Clumsy Magician (Weirdville #5).
  • Edit The Clumsy Magician (Weirdville #5).
  • Catch up on writing reviews for my book review blog.

What are your writing goals for this month?

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