Author Interviews Virtual Book Tours

Author Interview with Elizabeth Woodrum


I’m interviewing Elizabeth Woodrum, author of children’s mystery series “Maisy and the Missing Mice”. Thank you for answering my questions, Elizabeth, and welcome to my blog.

Author Interview

1) When did you know you wanted to become an author?

I’ve always loved to write.  Even when I was in elementary school myself, I wrote stories all of the time.  As an adult, I incorporate my love of writing into creating materials for my classroom.  After many years of teaching, I realized that one of my favorite parts of teaching is to create short stories for use as teaching materials.  It’s only been in the last few years that I decided I wanted to try to publish a book.
2) Where did you get the inspiration for Maisy and the Missing Mice?
I was greatly influenced by my experiences as a teacher.  I feel that my time spent with elementary students gives me some insight as to how to write for them.  But, the story itself began as a short activity I created for a classroom activity.  I liked writing the character, and after a lot of expansion from the original text, Maisy was created!
3) What is you editing process like?
I tend to edit as I go.  After I write a few pages, I’ll go back and read everything I’ve written again.  Then, each time I sit down to begin writing, I review everything I’ve written up to that point.  I also send what I’ve written to my biggest fan, my mom, on a weekly basis.  She’s a great sounding board for everything from misspelled words to making sure the writing is clear.
4) What was the most challenging part about writing your book?
My biggest challenge was having the courage to share it with someone other than myself.  As a first time and self-published author, I  had all sorts of doubts as to whether or not it was good enough.  But, once I started slowly sharing it with people I know, it got much easier.
 5) What are your writing goals for 2014?
My goals for 2014 are to complete at least three more books in The Maisy Files series.  I also would eventually like to write books for adults.  So, I’d like to solidify a plan for writing adult fiction in the new year.
6) Are you working on something right now? If so, can you tell us more about it?
I’m currently in the process of planning and writing the second book in The Maisy Files series. I have a title and general outline, but it’s not set in stone yet. It’s in the very early stages, so many things may change between now and publication.  But, I hope to have it completed and published by March 2014 at the latest.
Good luck!

About the Book

Maisy Cover FinalTitle: Maisy and the Missing Mice

Author: Elizabeth Woodrum

Genre: Children’s Mystery

Maisy Sawyer is not your average fourth grade student. She is a detective with a special skill for solving mysteries. She loves black and white mystery movies, cherry lollipops, and her dog, Reesie. When a thief known as The Black Boot steals the school’s mascots and her lollipops, Maisy sets out to solve the case. Can she help return the mice to their home in the science lab? Will she ever see her beloved lollipops again? Find out in the first book in The Maisy Files series.

Author Bio

Elizabeth WoodrumElizabeth Woodrum is a full time elementary teacher in Ohio. She began writing as early as when she was in elementary school, but more recently began writing material for use in her classroom. From that writing, grew the desire to write books for the general population of children and adults alike. The Maisy Files, a children’s series, is the first series that she has published. The series currently has one book, The Missing Mice. Elizabeth plans to add more books to the series, and would also like to publish books for adults in the future.

As a reader, Elizabeth prefers the fantasy genre, but she enjoys realistic fiction as well. Some of her favorite authors include JK Rowling, Stephenie Meyer, Rick Riordan, Veronica Roth, Suzanne Collins, and Nicholas Sparks.

Originally from Indiana, Elizabeth currently resides near Dayton, Ohio with her two pets: a cat named Butterscotch and a dog named Reese Cup.

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Visit the author’s website for book previews and links to purchase the novel!
twitter: @ewoodrumauthor

Purchase a copy of the book:

Maisy and the Missing Mice can be found on Amazon in paperback, Kindle, and audio book formats at

It can also be found at Barnes and Noble at

Want to see a trailer for the book? Go here!


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