Author Interviews Virtual Book Tours

Author Interview with Edward Torba


I’m interviewing Edward Torba today. Edward is the author of middle grade fantasy / mystery novel “Matt Monroe and The Secret Society”. Thanks for answering my interview questions, Edward!

Author Interview

When did you know you wanted to become an author?
This is an interesting question. I guess I’ve always dabbled in writing. However, my formal schooling centered more upon science and math. It was in Dental School when I finally sat down and wrote the first draft to my book, The Magic Trip, back in 1975. It was a dental themed picture book for children [Ages 3 thru 8]. Since I had a weak background in college for writing [I took one creative writing class as a prerequisite for dental school] I assumed that this book was a fluke. You see at the time writing was not a priority for me…especially writing fiction. But one could say that first experience planted a seed…a seed that would eventually lead to the Matt Monroe series.
Where did you get the inspiration for Matt Monroe and The Secret Society?
As with most writers the inspiration came from my life’s experiences;  my childhood in Kingston, as well as my experiences in dental school and as a practicing general dentist.
How long did it take you to write Matt Monroe and the Secret Society from start to finish?
This book has been in my head for over ten years. But from the time I first sat down in front of the typewriter and began to actually write, it took approximately four years.
What is you editing process like?
I start with an outline. This includes the number of chapter, scenes in a chapter, plot development, character interaction. Then I follow up with development of each chapter, checking to see if the desired plot is achieved. When I finish my polished  first draft, I send it to a professional editor who usually rips it to shreds. After I get his comments to improve my novel, I go back and re-write the book. When I’m happy with the rewrite and the editor is pleased, I send the manuscript to a proof reader to correct spelling and punctuation errors. Then the book is ready for print.
NOTE: All along I have five good friends that give me their critical analysis as to story, ploy, enjoyment of the read. All five are tremendous readers, devouring books as they go into print, and I value their opinions highly.
What was the most challenging part about writing Matt Monroe and the Secret Society?
That’s easy…trying to find an agent to represent me. It never happened. So I pushed ahead and developed the book, knowing I would have to sell publish. The reviews have been great so far. In fact, a woman who declined to represent me, gave me very good review. I wonder if she remembers me?
What are your writing goals for 2013?
2013 in coming to a quick close, so I will not have anything new out this year. However the next question relates to what I have in the works.
Are you working on something right now? If so, can you tell us more about it?

I am in the middle of completely the first draft for the second book in the Matt Monroe series, Matt Monroe and the Haunted House. I am also developing a series of comedic boys for young boys [ages 7 thru 12]. These are short little stories about NERDS.

Matt Monroe and The Secret Society

cvrTitle: Matt Monroe and The Secret Society

Author:  Edward Torba

Genre: Middle Grade Fantasy / Mystery

Matt Monroe and The Secret Society is the first book in a series about a fourteen-year-old boy and his friends. In this first installment, Matt puts aside his fears as he travels to a same-time dimension to fulfill a prophecy. The saga begins when Matt finds a set of mysterious wooden tablets and an onyx ring. Soon he and his older brother, along with five friends, find themselves transported to the world of Paragon, where they face numerous obstacles. This is an account of deception and betrayal, mixed with courage and the bonds of friendship. Prepare yourself for an exciting adventure with an extraordinary ending. The second book in the series, Matt Monroe and The Haunted House, continues the story of these courage young teens.

Author Bio

01Edward Torba graduated from the University of Pittsburgh and received a B.S. degree in biology in 1973 and a Doctor of Dental Medicine degree in 1977. He has been a general dentist for more than thirty-six years, practicing in Latrobe [Derry Township], Pennsylvania. His lifelong hobby has been writing. Publications to his credit: The Magic Trip and Boys Club Guide to Youth Football.

Dr. Torba enjoys travel and reading when he has the time. He also has a great passion for gardening. His favorite author is Charles Dickens; one of his life goals is to pen a best selling novel that would be worthy of Dickens.


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