Monday Musings #23
Each Monday, I recap the writing-related events of the last week and talk about them on my blog.
- Fright Train. Edits and formatting is done for “Fright Train”, the third book in the Weirdville series. This is another stand-alone horror story for kids ages 6-11, which will be available on December 9.
- NaNoWriMo. I won NaNoWriMo but I didn’t get my wordcount goal for last week. I was aiming for 60k and ended up at 55k. However, I do still want to finish the first draft of this YA novel by the end of November, so I have some catching up to do.
- Release Day. I’m planning to set up a release day party for “Valentina and the Whackadoodle Witch”, “House of Horrors” and “Fright Train”, all of which will release December 9th, 2013. If you’d like to participate, leave a comment below!
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Tagged editing, formatting, monday musings, nanowrimo