
I won NaNoWriMo (with a few days to spare)

2013-Participant-Square-ButtonI was going to wait to blog about this until Monday, but what the heck. Last night, at around midnight, I won NaNoWriMo.

It feels awesome. The story I’ve been working on this month has been begging me to write it down for months, and now I’m finally (almost) there. The 50k mark is behind me, which usually is a sign that I won’t be quitting this project any time soon.

Even though I may have one, my goal was to finish the novel. I estimate another 15k, and it’ll be done. Maybe more, but I’m hoping not. I do plan to reach the end by the end of November, and I still have a long way to go, so wish me luck.

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  1. Majanka Verstraete » Monday Musings #23

    […] I won NaNoWriMo but I didn’t get my wordcount goal for last week. I was aiming for 60k and ended up at 55k. […]

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