Author Interviews

Author Interview with Sarah Dalton


I’m hosting an interview today with author Sarah Dalton, the author of YA dystopian novel series “The Unleashed”. Thank you for answering my questions, Sarah!

Author Interview

1) When did you know you wanted to become an author? 
I think it was after I started working on my first novel. Something just clicked, and from then on I worked really hard at improving my writing, from short stories to novellas to novels. I never stopped writing. After a few limbo years after University it was amazing to finally discover what I wanted to do with my life.

2) Where did you get the inspiration from for The Blemished series? 

Well, I think a few of us read the Hunger Games and thought ‘wow, I want to write a story like that’, so the Hunger Games was a big inspiration. But I’ve been reading adult dystopian books for a long time. I love authors like Margaret Atwood, Goerge Orwell and JG Ballard.

I also felt quite passionate about feminist issues and showing young girls, and boys, that it’s not okay for society or individuals to control your body. There’s a very strong theme of choice throughout the books. Everyone should be allowed choice in their life.
3) How long did it take you to write The Unleashed from start to finish?
It took me three months, but they were hard months! It’s always difficult finishing a story, and this story finished a series. It took a lot out of me to do it, but I knew that I had to get it done, and I also fell in love with the story.
4) What is your editing process like?
I write a first draft fairly quickly. Then I usually read through and self-edit before sending it to betas. Then I’ll take the comments on board, rewrite, edit again and rinse and repeat until it’s done!
I always have a cull of favourite words. That’s probably the only bit about editing that I actually enjoy!

5) What was the most challenging part about writing The Unleashed?

I always thought it would be the ending but somehow that came easily. I had a clear image in my mind for Mina and it was something very different to the epilogues I’ve read in other YA books where the MC settles down and has children. I think the most challenging part was getting the book to the standard it needed to be. The editing was brutal!

6) What are your writing goals for 2013?
Well I have a couple of projects coming out but for the rest of the year I’ll be working on things for 2014.
7) Are you working on something right now? If so, can you tell us more about it?
Yes! I’ve just finished a YA Horror novella and am hoping to publish it before halloween. It’s a psychologial gothic mystery set in a psychiatric ward. I’m quite excited about it. After that I’m writing a short story for an anthology on fairy retellings with some awesome YA authors. Then I have a YA fantasy novel to write. I’m about 10k into it at the moment. It will be a magical tale about a girl, a prince and a white stag.
Sounds great!

The Unleashed

18080504Title: The Unleashed (Blemished #3)

Author: Sarah Dalton

Genre: YA Dystopian

“I wanted to live. I wanted us to have a future, and there was nothing else on my mind. With Daniel by my side I ran so fast my lungs ached.”

Mina’s world is turned upside down as an important person from her past materialises to take her away from the Compound. She finds herself separated from her friends and facing life-changing decisions on her own.

Meanwhile Daniel is on a mission to find Mina when he becomes involved in the Resistance – along with the rest of the Freaks. His visions take their toll as he learns of an event that could devastate the people he loves the most. Only he can stop it.

Angela finds herself on the adventure of a lifetime as she helps Sebastian find his father in Area 14. After action and adventure on the way there, the group are thrown into another life and death situation… can Angela find a way out?

Fans of the popular YA dystopia series Blemished will not be disappointed by this thrilling conclusion. It will keep you guessing right up to the very last page.

Trust no one.

Author Bio

Sarah grew up in the middle of nowhere in the countryside of Derbyshire and as a result has an over-active imagination. She has been an avid reader for most of her life, taking inspiration from the stories she read as a child, and the novels she devoured as an adult.

Sarah mainly writes speculative fiction for a young adult audience and has had pieces of short fiction published in the Medulla Literary Review, Apex Magazine, PANK magazine and the British Fantasy Society publication Dark Horizons. Her short story ‘Vampires Wear Chanel’ is featured in the Wyvern Publication Fangtales available from Amazon.

The Blemished series is Sarah’s first full-length work of fiction. In a Fractured Britain, Mina Hart has to fight against the Genetic Enhancement Ministry to win back her rights.


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