Monday Musings #11
Every Monday, I try to give a recap of last week’s events on my blog and writing-related.
- Valentina and the Masked Mummy. I finished the first draft for the third book in the Valentina series, Valentina and the Masked Mummy. Publication of this book has been postponed until early 2014.
- Audiobooks. I got word from my publisher that there will be audiobooks coming out for the first three books in the Weirdville series, and the first three books in the Valentina series in March 2014. I got to listen to several voice narrators, and choose my favorites. Awesome!
- Valentina and the Whackadoodle Witch. A bit of sad news here, but due to time issues, Valentina and the Whackadoodle Witch will be pushed back till December 2013. That’s only two months later, so it’s not that big of a deal though.
- Train to Hell. That’s the tentative title for my work-in-progress, the third book in the Weirdville series. It’s getting along quite well. I hope to have it finished by my deadline, July 31st.
- Non-Fiction. I’m still working on my non-fiction book about my ghost encounters. I went to a view supposedly haunted sites last week to get some pictures. I’ll upload them sometime during August, and well, I’m curious to see if any ghosts manifest themselves! Either way, it’s great for inspiration.
What have you been up to this past week?
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