Weekly Writing Goals

Weekly Writing Goals #9

Each week, I write down my writing goals and I update the list at the end of the week, adding new goals. I fell ill halfway through the week, which greatly reduced my writing time.

Here’s the list of things I wanted to do last week. The one’s crossed out are the ones I actually recieved.

  • Work on revisions for chapter book (revise 5k).
  • Work on revisions for chapter book (revise 10k).
  • Proofread chapter book one last time, and then send revisions back.
  • Revise 30k words in Soul Thief (first draft completed, now revising).
  • Revise 40k words in Soul Thief (first draft complated, now revising).
  • Write 20k words in Andante (Allegro Academy #2).
  • Write 30k words in Andante (Allegro Academy #2).
  • Come up with a concept to write during CampNaNo in April.

I toned down on my list for this week since I have a lot of school stuff coming up.

  • Write 30k words in Andante (Allegro Academy #2).
  • Revise 30k words in Soul Thief (first draft completed, now revising).
  • Come up with a concept to write during CampNaNo.
  • Work on large school project (write 2k).

What are your goals for this week?

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