Allegro Academy Weekly Writing Goals

Weekly Writing Goals #7

Each week, I write down my writing goals for the week and I take a look at what goals I managed to meet last week and which ones I didn’t.

February was a bit dissapointing in terms of writing. Not a lot of inspiration, and I just got back into work for uni after exams, so I was trying to get back into the hang of things. I hope March will be a better writing month.

Here are my goals for this week:

  • Revise 10k words in Soul Thief (first draft completed, now revising).
  • Revise 20k words in Soul Thief (first draft completed, now revising).
  • Revise 30k words in Soul Thief (first draft completed, now revising).
  • Revise 40k words in Soul Thief (first draft completed, now revising).
  • Write 10k words in Andante (Allegro Academy #2).
  • Write 20k words in Andante (Allegro Academy #2).
  • Write middle grade short story for an upcoming Evolved Publishing anthology.
  • Edit chapter five of Ghostslayer (around 5k words).
  • Set up blogs posts on my writing blog (which is this blog here!) for March.

Those are some large goals, I know. I’m not sure how much time I’ll spend revising Soul Thief. Currently I’m hoping to reach 5k a day. It’ll be tough revising AND working on a new project, but the Allegro Academy series is special for me. It’s one of the easiest series for me to write, so I hope it’ll work.

Big goals this months, as you can see in my monthly goals post, are revising Soul Thief and writing the sequel to Adagio – Allegro Academy #1.

What are your goals for this week? Equally ambitious, or are you a saner person than I am?

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