Chapter Books

Wednesday Weekly Writing Goals #4

Each Wednesday, I will mention my progress on my weekly goals, and tell you my new goals for the week. This is way for me to keep track of my progress.

Last week, I couldn’t do much. I have university exams, so my writing time is limited. Between writing reviews for my book review blog and setting up tours for Enchanted Book Promotions, I didn’t have much time to write.

I did manage to write the first draft of a chapter book, tentatively titled Weirdville #1: The Doll Maker. It’s 10423 words. Think Goosebumps by R.L. Stine, except for younger kids (so less scary and shorter). I edited the manuscript, revised, editing again and then proofread. We’ll see what happens to it. It was fun to finish something though. I write so many young adult novels (all right, I start writing so many young adult novels) that I tend to forget the fun about writing something shorter.

So here’s the list of things I did do this week:

  • I’ve edited chapter three of Ghostslayer (2910 words).
  • I critiqued chapters for my critique partners.
  • Started and finished writing Weirdville #1: The Doll Maker (10423 words).
  • Made a schedule for my book review blog for February.
  • Made a writing schedule for February that needs some tweaking still.

Here’s what I hope to do by next week:

  • Edit chapter four Ghostslayer (5920 words).
  • Edit chapter five Ghostslayer (4944 words).
  • Reach 40k in The Unnaturals. I have two train rides to university waiting for me, to and back, which is about four hours each. If I write on the train, that’s eight solid hours of writing. I’m now at 22k words in The Unnaturals, so if I manage to write 8k on the train, and 2 hours a day for the other days I should be able to reach 40k. Fingers crossed!

Well, that’s quite a list. Meanwhile I’m reading about penalty law and European Criminal Law and thinking about essays I can write on the subject, while I really don’t need to write essays about it at all.

Next week, this time, I’ll be in the middle of my final university exam for this semester, and then I’m going to throw the most epic party the world has ever seen. And then write 10k in a day. Or something along those lines.



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