Weekly Writing Goals

Wednesday Weekly Writing Goals #3

Each Wednesday, I will update my progress on my writing goals from last week, and tell you my goals for next week. Here were my goals for last week. The one’s scrapped through are the ones I accomplished this week.

  • Write 14k words in The Unnaturals. Reach a total of 28k words.
  • Edit chapter three of Ghostslayer (2910 words).
  • Edit chapter four of Ghostslayer (5920 words).
  • Critique a chapter for my critique partners.

Yep. You see that correctly. None. Maybe my goals were a bit too high, maybe I just didn’t have enough time, maybe I spent too much time playing Civilizations V, but I didn’t accomplish any of my goals.

I reached 22k in The Unnaturals which is about 8k more than last week, but still nowhere near enough. I didn’t have any time for editing.

So this week, I’m going to catch up. No matter what it takes. I was planning to start revising the middle chapters of Ghostslayer this week, but I’m going to wait for that until the week after. It’s always more fun to get ahead than to stay behind.

So here are my goals for next week:

  • Reach a total of 36k words in The Unnaturals (that’s 14k more than I have now).
  • Edit chapter three of Ghostslayer (2910  words).
  • Edit chapter four of Ghostslayer (5920 words).
  • Edit chapter five of Ghostslayer (4944 words).
  • Critique a chapter for my critique partners.

There. Normally, I was going to write 40k words by next week, but that’ll be next to impossible, so I’m going for this instead. Fingers crossed that I make it!


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