
Writing Goals for 2013

Happy New Year, everyone!

I decided now was the right time to start talking about my goals for the New Year. There are lots of things I want to change in 2013, and one of them is how irregularly I write. For starters, I can go days without writing and then pump out an entire first draft over the course of a week. That’s great, of course, but I want to keep focused, and write every day. I managed to do so during Camp NaNoWriMo in June, even though I had exams, and I did so as well during NaNoWriMo. So it is possible.

From 2013 on, I will try to make monthly and weekly goal posts every month and week, and then at the end of the week/month see how far I’ve got with my goals. Of course I won’t achieve them every week and month, but the goal is not to achieve everything, just to achieve more.

So here are my writing goals for 2013:

  • Write six new novels. I wrote four last year, so I’m going for two more this year.
  • Edit and revise Adagio (Allegro Academy #1).
  • Finish writing the first draft of Andante (Allegro Academy #2) and Allegro (Allegro Academy #3).
  • Make weekly goals each week and try to stick to them.
  • Make monthly goals each month and try to stick to them.
  • Write a chapter book.
  • Write a middle grade novel.

I added the last two to challenge myself. I’ve always wanted to read chapter books and middle grade, just never got around to it. This year, I will. Hopefully. I have this awesome middle grade idea I have in mind, but of course, there’s a large difference between having something in mind and actually doing something.

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