
What 2012 Brought Me

I thought it would be a good idea to look back on what happened in 2012. Some amazing things happened, and I hardly ever stop to think about it all, which is kind of sad. So now I’m taking the time to do so and celebrate the good things brought to me in 2012.

  • I signed a contract for Fractured, the first book in the Mirrorland Series, with InkSpell Publishing.
  • I wrote the Reflected, the sequel to Fractured.
  • I wrote a few more manuscripts which still need editing: Adagio (Allegro Academy #1)The Sleeping Kingdom and Soul Thief.
  • I signed a contract for a children’s picture books series, including three books: Valentina and The Haunted Mansion, Valentina and The Whackadoodle Witch and Valentina and the Masked Mummy. They will be published next year by Evolved Publishing.

Well, I think that’s quite a lot of one year. It would be great if only I could edit more. I don’t like editing, so I always postpone it, which means I’m left with a lot of first drafts and not a lot of submittable novels.


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  1. Monday Musings #8 | Majanka Verstraete

    […] week, I wrote a post about everything writing-related that happened in 2012 and I made some goals for 2013, including writing down my monthly and weeky goals on this […]

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