Author Interviews

Author Interview with Arlene Lam

I’m glad to feature author Arlene Lam on my blog today. Arlene is the author of historical romance / interracial romance novel, Rescued.

The Interview

1)      Where did you come up with the inspiration to write ‘Rescued’?

I owe this story to a high school friend. She had remarked one day that there were no romance novels that reflected her relationship. I doubted her and went to find her one. I was met with empty shelves. The idea flourished after that and I began writing Jordan and Amelia’s tale.

2)      Do you have any advice for newbie writers?

Trust yourself and your work. Sometimes you can obsess and change things that were perfect to begin with.

3)      If you could have a cup of coffee with three authors (dead or alive), which authors would you choose?

That’s a good question. Let’s see, Stephen King, Judith McNaught, and Roald Dahl.

4)      Why should everyone read ‘Rescued’?

I feel that Rescued offers a love story that is not like any other, it takes you from the sultry bayous of New Orleans all the way to the upper crest of London all while on a wild journey of discovery to find a love unbound.

5)      Do you plot everything beforehand or do you write ‘as you go’?

I do both. I guess there is no method to my madness. I have a general idea of how I want things to go and how I plan to get there but there are always numerous detours along the way before I get there.

6)      If you could do one thing differently about the entire writing process for ‘Rescued’, what would it be?

I would not have removed several of scenes that I loved but for some reason (lack of trust in my own judgment) cut anyway.

7)      Do you write every day, once a week,…?

I try to write at least twice a week. I found that if I try to do more that I get off course and find myself with writers block or with a hundred different  stories that I want to work on at once.

8)      Do you have another novel planned?

I have several. The Wedding a prequel to Rescued  that is to be released in December as well as several others that are not related as well. I’ll be a busy woman in the coming months, but I couldn’t be happier.

Thanks for the interview!

About Rescued

Title: Rescued

Author: Arlene Lam

Genre: Historical Romance / Historical Interracial

The fire that burned when they were together was consuming.

Her whole life Amelia was told what to do obediently following the rules her domineering aunt set forth. Right down to letting the woman choose the man she was to marry. However this was about to change because from the moment she laid eyes on Jordan Bradford the shy young maid was lost. But loving a man like him was beyond dangerous for more than the obvious reasons. However Amelia found herself throwing caution to the wind and willing to risk everything for just one kiss.

Intriguing and honest Jordan was drawn to Amelia instantly. Shy and witty Jordan knows that deep down there is a woman just waiting to be set free if only those around her would let her. Still he knew pursuing her was not an option. And even if it was she was already promised to another man. Yet every time she was near that knowledge was lost to him. Wasn’t forbidden fruit always sweeter? It was an added luxury that whenever he was in her presence his past seemed just that, the past. Just one look and a flame long though extinguished was awakened in him. So much so that Amelia was a woman Jordan decided needed to be rescued.

Visit Arlene’s Website | Like Arlene’s Facebook Page | Purchase from Amazon

1 Comment

  1. Arlene

    Thanks for having me it was fun.

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