Mirrorland Writing

The Manuscript for Reflected is finished. YAY!

All right, so CampNaNo is a disaster. As my poor critique partner knows, I’ve reached a dead end within the first 10k. Alas. I think I need a stronger outline for the project, something that works and is more intriguing than the one I currently have in mind (or just makes more sense). After a while, I began to grow frustrated with my own writing, since I had zero inspiration. This resulted in me starting three different manuscripts during one month, reaching 5k on two of them, and 8k on the third, which I actually think is worth turning into a full-length novel. But the more time I spent on those novels, the more my frustration grew. I wasn’t doing anything productive; I wasn’t working on the novel I should be working on.

So I turned back to Reflected, the sequel to Mirrorland. I’d written 50k in CampNaNo June, a huge accomplishment, especially when compared to CampNaNo August. I began rereading and editing based on comments left by one of my critique partners, and added another 10k to wrap up the story. My crit partner had a look at it, made comments, I edited. Then I sent it off to a betareader. Her words? “I loved Fractured. I’m completely smitten with Reflected.” Hah; I can only hope others feel the same way.

At least I can say in August I finished Reflected now. I guess that means one more book to go before I’m done with the trilogy. 🙂 But that’s not for right now. I have an outline for the third book, but I’m purposely stalling it until my CampNaNo August project is done, as well as Ghostslayer, and until  I’ve rewritten Soul Thief.

CampNaNo August = fail. But I do feel proud for finishing a manuscript. Even if it wasn’t the one I intended. And if you count all the words I wrote in different manuscripts, I did reach 50k.

That said, August isn’t over yet…

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All Hallows Academy is one of the most prestigious universities in the world for witches and wizards. Being accepted into All Hallows is an honor Lavinia Bloodbane and her best friend Jensen have been dreaming of for years.

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