Monday Musings

Monday Musings #5

Every Monday, I post a recap of last week’s events on the blog.

  1. Writing. I reached 42k in Ghostslayer, which meant I wrote roughly 7k last week. The second chapter is now with my critique partner, and I’m editing the first chapters as I work on the last ones. I haven’t managed to write anything else in my other WIPs.
  2. New Theme. My author blog has a new theme. I was a bit tired of the old one, and I think this one looks more like a blog, and still looks professional. Hope you like it.
  3. Goals. I’m hoping to reach 50k in Ghostslayer this week, and reach 60k by the end of the month. I’m not sure if it’ll work out. Initially, I had intended to finish Ghostslayer this month and start on something new next month, but it takes longer than expected. I’m also planning on finishing Reflected (Mirrorland #2) so I can start editing it in August.
  4. Catching up with reviews. I’ve been sort of busy because I’m catching up with reviews. I review books on I Heart Reading, and if you want to see a list of what books I’ve read but have yet to review, you can find it here. That’s over 40 books still to review, so I’m using the summer holidays to catch up. I still have an enormous amount of Netgalley books I have to read as well.

What have you been up to this past week?

1 Comment

  1. Viklit

    Very nice new layout!

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