I Write Like…
There’s a funny little machine on the internet called I Write Like… It’s simple to use, and fun! Just copy/paste part of your text into the analyzer, and see who you write like. I did this for a bunch of my WIP’s and was more than a little surprised by the outcome!
When I entered the first chapter of Ghostslayer, I got the result Cory Doctorow. I thought it was just plain old jokes, until I decided to run the first chapter of the second book in the Ghostslayer Trilogy again. Guess what? Yep. I was still writing like Cory Doctorow.
The good thing about this? At least there’s consistency in my writing through out this series. Big YAY for that!
The downside? I don’t know who Cory Doctorow is, or what he has written. Shame on me. But Mr. Doctorow is the author of Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom and won a bunch of impressive prizes.
When I ran my other manuscript, The Sleeping Kingdom through the analyzer tool, I got Mr. Arthur Conan Doyle as a result. Now, that’s definitely something to be proud about! For those of you who’ve been living under a rock for the last century and a half, Mr. Arthur Conan Doyle is the author of the Sherlock Holmes series. He’s also one of my favorite authors ever.
Unfortunately, for Soul Thief, I only have the first draft – which is bad – on this computer, not the rewrite, which is a lot better. So I ran the first draft and got Chuck Palahniuk. Another unknown author to me. I really need to read more. He is the author of Haunted though, which I think I’ve read before. Anyway, the reason why I think I got this author is because I only ran the prologue through the analyzer, which describes an accident, so has a lot of words like ‘horrifying’, ‘blood’, etc.
Edit: I posted the entire novel (or well, what I have of it so far) and it still came up with the same result.
When I ran Reflected (Mirrorland #2) through the analyzer, I came up with Rad Bradbury as a result. I’m actually very proud of this as well. The book is meant to be YA dark paranormal book, and Mr. Bradbury is known for his science-fiction and fantasy novels.
Oh, and you want to know what I’m most proud of?
Lovecraft, baby. That’s what I got for Fractured (Mirrorland #1). This is YA horror, and I got the master of horror himself. If that’s not a good sign, then I don’t know what is! I also got Lovecraft for my new adult/adult historical ghost story about a ghost hunter in the Victorian era. Double YAY.
Who do you write as? Does it change per manuscript (like it does with me?)
Want to know more? My picture book reminds the analyzer of Rudyard Kipling and my adult WIP is written in the style of Anne Rice (another big yay).
I write like Kurt Vonnegut apparently!
Cory Doctorow is ace! Hee fun tool!
That is such a fun tool! And you got some great results. I ran what I have of my WIP so far through and got Neil Gaimain! That makes me very happy 😀 Think I will have to do a post about this too 😉
Just wanted to let you know I did post about this on Monday and gave you due credit 😉 Thank you!
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