Monday Musings #2
Every Monday, I will post a quick recap of last week’s events. Feel free to join and/or link your own recap!
- Writing: I reached 25k words in Reflected (Mirrorland #2). Reflected is this year’s CampNaNoWriMo manuscript, so I’m already halfway through Camp NaNoWriMo. Yay! I do think the full manuscript itself will probably reach 60k words though.
- Editing: I’ve managed to edit the first four chapters of The Sleeping Kingdom. Editing is now at about 25k words, so two third left to go. I got news from the publisher that Fractured (Mirrorland #1) was sent to the proofreader, and that ARCs should be ready soon.
- Cover: I also got the cover for Fractured. It’s not completely finished yet, but apart from some tweaking, it looks pretty good! I can’t wait to share it with the world.
- Studying: First test didn’t go that well unfortunately. I have another on thursday and friday…That’s going to be tough! Keep your fingers crossed for me.
What have you been up to last week?
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University essays and exams have been sucking my free time so unfortunately have not progressed on the writing front. Not taking part in Camp though (for the same reasons above). I can’t wait to see the cover, very excited! & I hope you do better on your next exams, and maybe the first one will turn out better than you think 🙂
I have been trying to edit my manuscript, have set new goals for myself so hopefully in a week I will have achieved more!! Good luck for your tests!
Thank you both! I certainly do hope the first one turns out better than expected 🙂 I understand your pain, Kat, with essays and exams! Good luck with them!
And good luck editing your manuscript Viklit! Is it YA? I’d love to read your synopsis/blurb!
Kelly Hashway
I can’t wait to see your cover! I love cover reveals.
Congrats on the editing too. That’s an exciting time when you’re book is getting ready to become an ARC.
Thanks, Kelly! I’m looking for fellow bloggers to participate in the cover reveal as well 🙂 So if you want to, send me a nudge 🙂